
Vice President Biden strikes me as the type who, while waiting for the President to enter the chamber would just say to Ryan “I’ve seen you work out, I don’t need to. Scranton strong! Here I’ll show you.” Ryan would try to laugh it off and Biden would say “No, I’m serious” to a befuddled Ryan. Oh what I wouldn’t give

Or my favorite! You pitch an idea and you’re told to sit down, or there’s no way it would work, or you don’t know what you’re talking about; two minutes later a male colleague pitches the same idea and it is BRILLIANT.

I work from home: my children still go to preschool and daycare because working with them home is not possible.

This was me too. My overconfidence in myself and feeling like I could take anything life (or my ex) threw at me got me in a lot of trouble. And when I reached out for help from people that both of us knew, it was denied because I “didn’t seem like a victim.” How people act publicly and how they are privately can be

I’m not a comic, but I’m what most people would refer to as an assertive, strong woman with a fierce sense of humor. Part of the reason I stayed with my abuser for so long was that I bought into my own mythos as a “strong woman”, and believed that anything he did that was hurtful wasn’t abuse because I wasn’t capable

It took my parents freaking out over finger shaped bruises on my arms to make me take my relationship problems seriously. With my friends it was jokes a-go-go about how a girl like me (strong black female! statistical genius!) could wind up with a controlling caveman. I was fortunate to receive great support from

My Old Navy Rockstar skinny jeans are my love and my life. I have 5 pairs and I love them so much.

I grew up similarly poor, and although I’ve yet to reach (and doubt I ever will) the same level of financial success that Dolly worked for, I now have a very well compensated job in a competitive field. When I watch videos of Dolly talking about doing for her family, it’s hard for me not to cry — not because I am sad,

I don’t know what The Moody Bible Institute is but I hope it’s where people study the angsty side of Jesus.

Say what now?! Scrooged is a classic!

Jeff Koons for Chili’s.

Most of these people value their careers and don’t want to deal with the long term derailment that a break long enough to care for multiple children until the youngest goes to preschool causes. About half of them are also families where the woman is the higher earner, which makes matters complicated both because of

And then when your husband leaves you with the five kids he said he wanted, you’ll easily be able to jump back into the workforce. It's foolproof!

I always loved her voice, too. Not even her singing, but just her speaking voice. Accented or not. It was like, commanding but soothing.

Lots of Golden Age screen Goddesses being posted so I have a thing for redheads. We lost Maureen O’Hara less than a month ago.

I still don’t know what I think of this, but here’s mine. My mother and I have never really had a great relationship, but we were going through a sort of happy period my last two years of college. She’d kicked out my verbally abusive, alcoholic stepfather and I moved back in to save money. I’d been there about a month

I live in TX, and my gyn told me at the first appointment that it wouldn’t cost me anything. I didn’t even pay the copay. I later got the statement of services from BCBS and the whole damn thing, insertion + device, cost $1300!

And just like I do every time Jez posts one of these articles, I will pop in to say that insurance companies blatantly violating the ACA and giving women the run around is a HUGE factor in why I and many women I know do not have IUDs. It takes a lot of persistence and lengthy calls during working hours to succeed.

They need someone to calculate exactly how much money this cost each American taxpayer and have negative black-and-white ads run with an ominous voice saying “The GOP would rather take 120 dollars of yours to beat a dead, rotting horse carcass then to put it towards schools, roads, public goods, or back in your