
I often spend my Sundays doing the same. Because I’ve learned to cook and I like my cooking. But, I was poor for a long time. I knew very little about how to make more than pasta and steamed veggies in the microwave, which I did. But I came from food stamps and parents not being around, and I never learned to cook

It’s he most depressing thing ever and I want to kill myself after every episode.

The Leftovers is an amazing show. AH-MAY-ZING. Writing, casting, directing, Theroux’s package in his sweatpants as he runs

Oh my gosh! That is heartbreaking and hysterical at once. My 4 year old understands it for himself—when he’s on the potty he sometimes says “Mommy, I need privacy.” I’m like, oh, so YOU get it and I don’t? Textbook toddler narcissism.

Of course it can, but how long you let them cry depends on how much you can take. Which, if you become a parent, you might find listening to your baby cry more upsetting than you ever thought you would (even if you allow them to cry it out at night). There are different stages:

You find yourself saying things like “you can play with your penis in your room, but not in the living room.”

It’s the taco flavored kisses!

I actually really hate all the comments to the effect of ‘he’s just a clueless douche’ or ‘I guess he was just some bro all along’. Are we really so singular in our thinking? Are we really so unable to reconcile conflicting feelings about a person to the point that we need to simply write them off entirely when they

It’s rainy and crappy today. I am on the border in PA. I lived in NJ for decades, we are actually moving back because somehow PA is worse. Annyhow, make sure he stops at WAWA. That is important.

I just moved here from Chicago for work - trust me I was not looking forward to it. I live in Indianapolis with my fiance, and I have to say I am honestly surprised at the progressiveness of people who claim they are Republicans. They are all embarassed of their governor and there are “Fire Pence” and “Pence Must Go”

I think this is the real crux of the issue. There are only 24 hours in a day. If you’re expected to be working for 10 of them just to be seen as an adequate employee, and sleeping for 8 of them (ha!) that only leaves 6 hours to cram in eating, chores, errands, commuting, showering/hygiene, exercise, family time and

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKLAHOMA where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain...

On the one hand, yeah people like having the option. But on the other hand, I suspect what people who say that mean is “We all wish we lived in a world that didn’t create pregnancies that need, for whatever reason, to be terminated,” but that kind of nuance is long and attention spans are short so ...

God dammit, I love the midwest so much.

Financial security is not some stolid, boring state reserved for middle-aged white women who shop at (shudder) Chicos. It is freedom.

I’ve had people laugh at me for saying ‘no thank you, I can’t go out this week, I need to save for my emergency fund.’

Even if you don’t think you care now, your thirties will be peppered with sober reflections on just how stupid you were in your twenties; with realizations that if you’d only realized how Things Actually Work, you could’ve really set yourself up better.

Goddammit, Joe. Every reason he gave not to run is every reason he should run.

Absolutely. If anything, his reluctance is the biggest indicator he is right for the job.

I can verify he is absolutely wonderful in person, everything his PR wants you to believe, but maybe even a little sillier. #livinginLAisweird