
Yeah I assume this is a sex thing for them.

YES, and also, I am just deeply alarmed by how often “dragging a girl from a bus stop and raping her” is his go-to comparator. Like...that shouldn’t just continually and consistently on the tip of your tongue when you’re casually chatting about ‘horrific things that happen to women and girls, and whether or not

he’ll cover her interview excerpts in a soulful unplugged album and make bank.

my takeaway from the comments on this article:

YES. Ivanka is absolutely swimming in all of this, at LEAST as much as Don Jr. (probably more, given the level of trust her father seems to have in her). The fact that she has gotten such relatively light treatment in the media (and I spend a lot of time consuming Trump-related media, because I do not value my own

I have a hard time believing that Eric is clever enough to make that sort of judgement.  

I’m a cheese plate influencer, in the sense that the cheese plate was full before I got here, and now it’s empty. I influenced it into my mouth.

Yes, this. I had two close friends get absolutely hosed in 2008/2009 and it’s really informed my approach to home ownership and debt. I do own a home now, but elected to buy (an extremely cheap) home outright rather than secure a mortgage - the only reason we bought is that geography and circumstance came together in

This seems like a very weird loophole (so entirely in line with evangelical christianity as I understand it). I guess there is no specificity at all as to which marriage your sex is before or after - so you can have sex with anyone after you have been married once?

I assume the person who buys this break washes exclusively with Dr. Bronners.

what ARE your current efforts to support your workforce?

AWESOME - great find. I don’t know where you are in space, but I currently live in a large, pretty flat city, and I’ve really gravitated to cross from road since moving here - it’s just better than training/racing road geographically speaking. Plus, let me extol the virtues of a beater road bike for outdoor riding in

They have finally busted Ed Burke in Chicago . . . the Machine is dead.

They have finally busted Ed Burke in Chicago . . . the Machine is dead.

I have the exact same feeling about this place that I do about the 2019 American Girl doll Blaire, who has food sensitivities and a screen-time addiction.

 Yeah I don’t think I know a single person who thinks the Dems should give an inch here - including those who didn’t get a paycheck today.

Yeah I am pretty protected given my agency and specific funding stream but I remember my dad getting furloughed for a couple of weeks a time or two when I was a kid. And I have several friends who are currently furloughed.

I don’t think they are assuming that all feds rent, I have seen letters targeted at a variety of creditors (including mortgages).

ugh, I am so sorry, that sounds unbelievably frustrating. The system is well and truly fucked. I am currently waiting for the bill to drop for my HSG/US/bloodwork and am very apprehensive (because lord knows you can’t figure out how much something will be before you get it done...).