I am currently hung up on this: “They are in our country we don’t go to the country and try to destroy them and their beliefs...”
I am currently hung up on this: “They are in our country we don’t go to the country and try to destroy them and their beliefs...”
Yeah I think that’s the most parsimonious explanation here. I like her more for thinking that she was tricked into a Tom-Cruse girlfriend audition and it went extremely poorly, tbh.
I am fine with it because context:
Wait are you making the argument that you prefer Qdoba to Tortas Frontera? I could see taking or leaving his food in general (I like it, and I like his ‘hot soccer dad’ vibe) but I think Tortas Frontera is as good as you’re gonna get in an airport.
Agree - Roe is now on deathwatch. I give it 2 years.
O’Hare has Frontera Grill, owned by my main man Rick Bayless. The ultimate airport-related shame of my life occurred a few weeks ago - took public transit to O’Hare, which was slower than usual, security line was longer than usual - basically we’re cutting it close. But we’re so hungry. So my husband gets in line at…
Romney’s face is the exact face my dog makes when she’s across the yard rolling in wild animal shit and I call her and I know she hears me because she’s wagging her tail but also she just turns around and looks at me instead of actually coming. Like “I love what I’m doing rn and this shit is the best but also please…
This photo is basically a Matryoshka doll of awful-ness. Every layer reveals something sadder and worse.
holy shit I’ve seen this picture so many times and never noticed that. I am 100% fine with not drinking as a life choice (more for me), but in this context it makes them look like toddlers playing at grownup. Like when you were 10 and mom gave you apple juice in a wine glass at the Thanksgiving table.
(I really like that shirt, though. 10/10 would wear.)
You know, I am almost always rooting for the woman getting some pre-marriage (even if it results in *gasp!* a baby) but I think Bristol brought the “baby out of wedlock” judgment on herself, and I loved every second of it.
Are there other health issues or is it literally just meat/dairy intolerance? And how long did it take her to figure out what was going on? It must have been baffling!
Lil Miss Chitlin Grand Supreme
I don’t know about “always” but I work for a military-adjacent branch of the federal government, and I have received one from my department in my five years there. It was a big-ish seeming deal, passed out by our director to coincide with a Senator’s visit. They’re generally made to signify some big anniversary or…
Wow, what a hellscape.
Hope Hicks tried that and my understanding is that it may have backfired.
I am at minimum fifteen years more tired and sad than I was last summer.
After thinking on it, I am pretty sure it’s diversionary. Like, what else happened today that they don’t want people reporting on? Because this is so obvious and cruel that they had to have known it’d get picked up and take over the top slot for today.
I definitely had a moment while typing: “wait...is that really what we called it? that is really what we called it. huh.”