Anne Noise

I dunno, personally I prefer water 90% of the time while baked. A soft drink is more of a dessert-drink when I’m already inhaling twelve other fried sides. I’m weird. Just... what’s better than a cold, crisp ice water?

10-piece Churro, please. Oh wait I’m having a delicious fever dream again.

One time my dad asked me to watch my language on my own (private, locked!) Facebook post. I told him to fuck off.

That was the age I was when my mom found a note where I called her a bitch and asked me to explain myself so I shouted “YOU WERE ACTING LIKE A BITCH” and she started crying. Good times.

“they claimed they couldn’t do it because you had to pay to reserve a seat on their flights”

Party til you puke.

I would rather talk about Armie’s balls for the rest of my life than hear another word about Meghan Marbhles.

I mean, no lies detected. (I assume.)

He’s a meme - Hide The Pain Harold.

“THAT’S GREAT!” was for sure the Thanksgiving motto around my house. “How’s this taste?” “THAT’S GREAT!” “I really like the new tablecloth.” “THAT’S GREAT!” “Our unborn child has a chromosome deletion.” “THAT’S GREAT!”

but youth usually means more vulnerable etc.

Well, I guess I’ve bought what I will and will pay for her music instead, probably regardless of quality. (Wasn’t a fan of her s/t EP, but I’ll give her a million chances anyway.)

Good for her for finding her voice again. None of us can stay silent anymore. Name your abusers and support your unfortunate family.

I mean, how is it appropriate to play a racist “character” when meeting someone important to someone else in your life?! How is it appropriate to play ANY character?! Very disappointing.

Can’t you get half a medallion in the temple if you only have 1 1/2? Yeah, though, you HAD to get the bonus 1/2...

You snorting mushroom dust out of a cat’s ass? 

Correct me if I’m wrong, but does a comedy really need much else? They also had serialized stories and relationships and a consistent direction for all of their characters. The characters are dumb and the faux-reality format is purposefully goofy but it’s a well-crafted, intelligent show that holds up well today.

He seems like a totally normal Lizard Person whose music I would never choose to listen to.

Only if it drinks too much.

Druids gon’ druid.