Six neins and a fuhrer.
Six neins and a fuhrer.
Hartman's delivery of "Oh my!" after ringing the Simpsons' doorbell is one of my favorites of his.
Grade me… look at me… evaluate and rank me! Oh, I'm good, good, good, and oh so smart! Grade me!
I feel physical pain at the memory of that line, even among the rest of the camp trash of that movie.
To be fair, don't we just really want to see a Joss Whedon version of all creative works?
It's a wig, just so you know.
Pretty sure it's Glob.
Over here, Funky!
Cardboard Ted Danson Ghost Dad >>>
I love Greg and Terry.
"Bitch Wound" is my new Japanese female punk band.
I love how weirdly gay Dave is, and how they play with that.
I am not anti-plastic surgery.
Casey Wilson is your new favorite actress.
Vegetarians can't eat me.
Cross has admitted that he did the first Chipmunks to pay for a house and the latter ones based on the absolute minimum his contract would allow.
"I’m not sure how crowded the field ever was for Lucille Ball imitators, but after this episode, Gilda Radner clinched the title for all time."
"Do it for her" is possibly the most heartwarming moment on The Simpsons, on television, in life.