Anne Noise

I don't want to play the bigot card, but there was some really weird, unnerving hatred going on with Joe and Bime.  Like, primal hatred.  I'm sure some of it was the nebulous editing, but damn, it really did feel like he was a Disney villain around Bime this week.

Or gossip.

Please keep a tally of how many times Gordon says "wow" or "wow wow wow," or the number of times Joe is a total prick - aka the number of times Joe opens his fucking mouth.

Gordon putting her severed chunk under her face while she was complaining about feeling light-headed, and the shots of the wound literally spurting blood…  Fantastic episode.

I hope so, in that I also hope that the producers didn't consciously decide to go with "pretty vs uggo" as the team theme.

"For that person that we decided was a good chef, you sure are doing some kind of cooking here tonight."

Glad I wasn't the only one that heard "ballsack."

Ugh, Bunheads hasn't been renewed yet.  :(

Can it be "casual" if its a written, edited piece?  ;)

What I wouldn't give for an Archer / Always Sunny / Happy Endings / Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23 block on FX.

Watch all of this show and revel in the absurdist comedy.  Once you throw your expectations of first season continuity and realism out the window, it becomes an unbelievably fun, unexpectedly fresh comedy.  I think the sitcom has been lacking absurdity in the past few years - thank glob for It's Always Sunny and


Feeling a twinge in your cancerAIDS?

That this show didn't get more respect should be one of the deepest shames of the decade.  I'm sure its been said before, but what the fuck: this show is brilliant.

UGH.  My anxiety just came roaring back!

B, maybe B+ from me.  I thought Casey going on his mission seemed like a logical choice for an interesting character.  Sure, he isn't doing anything new to TV as a whole, but I like the way they balance his sarcasm and religious quasi-conservativeness with Mindy's personality.  I also think Anders is doing great work.

NGL, I love the theme song.  I bawk bawk right along the whole time.

Wow did Brothas and Sistas ever feel like a series finale, in a fantastic and kind of depressing way, especially the closing dance number.  So cute!

Hey, where's Chunks, your baby?

She is flawless in that movie.  That movie is amazing.  I wish high school students talked like that in real life.  (Also, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is the best actor of my generation, and I've been saying that since right after seeing Brick and Mysterious Skin.  [I am so cool.])