Anne Noise

Kelly Bishop really nails a lot of different kinds of really brutally honest emotions - frustration, anger, pain, loneliness, regret - through a filter of repression and entitlement.  When Emily has a legitimate, quiet, painful reason to confront Lorelai, I think those conversations exemplify the show's writing style

If you have nothing negative to say about it halfway through the season of Bunheads, prepare to absolutely love the rest of the season.  It's everything the first half does well, possibly better, with fewer weak spots; fills out more girls while not really removing the others, though there is the rotating-cast-dance

Cinnamon's Wake really makes Star's Hollow feel like a small town.  There's a tongue-in-cheek-ness to the funeral that somehow makes it sweet and honest, but still obviously not, like, srsbsns.  It's actually a fantastic setting for a first date, kind of a cute story for later.

Ugh, I just used "lovers" in an honest sentence.  I'm horrified with myself.

Maaaax Medina.

Loiter Squad feels like its going to dare you to eat something gross it mixed at lunch.

Harribawesome, you mean.

Golf wang.

Owl-f wiedersehen.


@olivececile:disqus More his specific identity.  (Though I guess she doesn't date anyone else, haha, and the comment above mine has it anyway.)

Overly expository dialogue gets a pass in every pilot ever, though.

My LEAST favorite role, for sure is her on Parenthood.  I love Parenthood a ton, but her character has been so poorly written for so long, and even when she wasn't a lonely specter of her former self, she was a decent parent and witty participant.  Now she just drifts aimless between men, being sad and ignoring her

I agree, but also: ugh, Jess.

I really have to mind myself with spoilers, I guess?

I liked Digger!  I love Chris Eigeman!

Need to talk talk talk.  We need to talk talk talk, me and you.

You're standing on my neck.

I would love to see Grayson and Bobby kiss.