Flagged for arglebargle.
Flagged for arglebargle.
If memory serves, you have to keep up the volley.
Doc 2 The Futoore.
I loved Radha Mitchell in Silent Hill, even though that movie was kind of poo. If she can bring a similar crazy-protective vibe at some point I could get behind her.
What's the point of "teams" if they all seem to realize that making your own garment great instead of another's garment just good? I wish they'd have a longer time frame for challenges, but have to design more garments than people - two days for two people to make three looks is a more interesting challenge than "you…
Liar Liar is probably my favorite Jennifer Tilly movie. That or Bound.
John Dies at the End and VHS have given me hope that niche horror might have a future as VOD releases.
This movie is awesome, fun trash in the same way that night makes your colon awesome, fun trash the next morning.
Rabin fail English? That's unpossible!
I think the sentence structure reflects the ridiculousness of the concept and phrase, and thus gets a pass for being Utterly Ridiculous. Grammar can take a fucking hike sometimes, if it does so elegantly.
To be fair, her Oscar nomination was for her portrayal of a shitty actress.
Now she's a professional poker player.
"DVD-purposed"? What does that mean? Seed of Chucky made 24m at the box office, haha. (It made twice its budget.)
Halloween: H20 is such a bummer of a movie. I wanted to like it so hard, and even as a young'n I knew it barely held up to even the shittiest of Halloween sequels, which is saying a lot. It's not even so bad that it's good, it's a totally average slasher from the late 90's era, evocative of the times in a trashy,…
You know she totally did, and it's going to come back to haunt @avclub-ca94d6e1a824e303bc93a05dc947498e:disqus .
Glad to see this movie get some love. It's a genuinely entertaining movie full of some brutal deaths, great ("great") acting, and I will always love Jennifer Tilly.
Blurst world problems.
I can't even begin to explain how bizarre the spider shit was in this episode, in a great way. It took the umbrella? Wut?
Dollar whiskey, dollar scotch! Dollar bourbon, dollar crotch!