Anne Noise

This is one of my favorite of Dan's readings.  It sounds like Homer's throat is literally pressed full of half-eaten cheese.

Elves can be NPCs, and they can certainly be aligned differently than your characters, leading to a fight if you ran into each other in a dungeon, probably.

Elves can be NPCs, and they can certainly be aligned differently than your characters, leading to a fight if you ran into each other in a dungeon, probably.

Hope you and I can get married someday.

Hope you and I can get married someday.

I love Freaky Friday, both the original and the Lindsay Lohan remake.  Jamie Lee Curtis acting like Lindsay Lohan - and vice-versa - is some hilarious shit.

I love Freaky Friday, both the original and the Lindsay Lohan remake.  Jamie Lee Curtis acting like Lindsay Lohan - and vice-versa - is some hilarious shit.

I like the time Marge says, "What the dilly, yo?"

I like the time Marge says, "What the dilly, yo?"

"Does anyone know who currently holds the cabinet position of secretary of partying down?"

"Does anyone know who currently holds the cabinet position of secretary of partying down?"

I got more of a repressed-rage-fuck kind of vibe from him, but yours also makes sense.  Now I'm conflicted; I can work with lazy if it's worth it, but he doesn't look worth it.

I got more of a repressed-rage-fuck kind of vibe from him, but yours also makes sense.  Now I'm conflicted; I can work with lazy if it's worth it, but he doesn't look worth it.

"…why do you feel like everyone needs to explain how/why they might disagree with your review?"

"…why do you feel like everyone needs to explain how/why they might disagree with your review?"

Depends on your definition of "legal."

Depends on your definition of "legal."

Also, I'm glad they didn't go with CON-MMUNITY LOOOL.

Also, I'm glad they didn't go with CON-MMUNITY LOOOL.

I've never been so devastated to not live in Southern Shitty California.