Anne Noise

@avclub-af03fa0ed0346907a6fa11b809f5601e:disqus : I am still watching Hell's Kitchen right there with you, though I don't know why, at all.  Honestly they have, what, four dishes to learn on Hell's Kitchen, and the entire cast is constantly screwing everything up, on top of Gordon constantly saying, "Hurry up!  This

Whoever said failed spoiler threads is the new CancerAIDS is seriously deranged.

Whoever said failed spoiler threads is the new CancerAIDS is seriously deranged.

It's not that monkey card I found in the car, is it?

It's not that monkey card I found in the car, is it?

Love the shit out of the game.  They remade it on the DS with character growth and more gameplay modes and stuff - definitely worth playing.

Love the shit out of the game.  They remade it on the DS with character growth and more gameplay modes and stuff - definitely worth playing.

You, sir, are full of shit, Mean Girls is a truly phenomenal comedy.

You, sir, are full of shit, Mean Girls is a truly phenomenal comedy.

DJ, Ease My Mind is my fucking jam.  This album dropped in Europe in May, and I swear I must've listened to that song like 200 times while I was traveling a few months ago.

DJ, Ease My Mind is my fucking jam.  This album dropped in Europe in May, and I swear I must've listened to that song like 200 times while I was traveling a few months ago.



It's Leonardo!  His trait is, like, Leader, or something.  Give me Cool (Raph), Smart (Don) or Stoned (Mikey) any day.

It's Leonardo!  His trait is, like, Leader, or something.  Give me Cool (Raph), Smart (Don) or Stoned (Mikey) any day.

Bart's orgasmic joy while faking it for Homer is brilliant, one of my favorite line readings from the lovely Ms. Cartwright.

Bart's orgasmic joy while faking it for Homer is brilliant, one of my favorite line readings from the lovely Ms. Cartwright.

Fuck civility.

Fuck civility.

I have the biggest boner for Makeup Daddy.  Every time he shows up, its as though I had forgotten he existed, and find myself erotically surprised by his presence.  You'd think my dick would have figured it out after ten seasons.