Anne Noise

I am also 26, raised by Nick at Nite, and horrified by what they show now.  And TV Land is getting taken over by original content…

How I love to hear you whaaane!

Alternative timeline: Lucy gets trapped somewhere, uses a fake name, is found out, no consequences were had, laugh laugh laugh credits.

The article talks explicitly about two of his short films, Un Chien Andalou and Land Without Bread.

I kid, I kid.  I assume you meant Mumford and Sons?


Ooooh, I don't know how I missed that, in the article or in my daily travails.  The EP is super good, and I will for sure be checking out the LP right now.

This article broke my soul.

Been rocking this EP for a while, Little Talks is pretty much a flawfree song.

I guess we'll see how well the new Three Stooges movie grosses.

You hit her pretty hard there, Ric.

…says the commenter on a post about a TV show.

That's when it feels appropriate to turn to piracy - limited demand and philosophical disagreements with providers.  If you're planning on buying the album anyway, or already ordered it even, just download it somewhere in the interim.

Been trying to get into this for the past few days, but the vocals really bore the shit out of me.  Too dreamy, not enough… substance?  That's not really what I'm trying to say.  The dream pop surf guitar is working for me, though - if it was an instrumental album, I'd be psyched.

A boy band.  But this time, it's rumored TWO of them are gay.  TOGETHER.  Differentiation!

Jaques Pepin's Easter Celebration.

Good to see Sam Jaeger was always that sexy.  Revisiting this show a decade later is such a rich unfolding of random people.

It makes me want to fart.

Simpsons has better seasons, and episodes, but South Park is way, way more consistent overall.

I just traced a quarter, and I gotta tell you, thems some bumpy ass titties.