Anne Noise

Kevin Smith is doing his own hockey movie, though.  Don't want to spread him too thin, lest he be able to fly the friendly skies.

That's what passes for entertainment these days?  Woozle wuzzle?

I can't believe I'm about to type this word, but I'm a popster - pop hipster doofus - and only the Gotye and Justin Bieber songs are anything interesting.  (Also can't believe I just typed that last one.)

…in the Robuttnik.

Followed by the fourth movie, just Carrie, again.

Adults!  You strut around like your farts don't stink!

I like having Joanna backstage dishing with the contestants about their looks.  I'll take all the design I can, the show doles it out in such small doses!  And I like Joanna.  They should hire Isaac, Joanna and the dude from Nieman Marcus for real Project Runway, not Project Runway: Show Mondo The Money Edition.

What a conspiracy theory: Tyra Banks is all about Tyra Banks!  Tyra, the creator of Tyra, is all about Tyra.  If you say it three times in a dark mirror she stapleguns your dimples into permanent smizes!

Never thought I'd agree, but absence makes the heart grow fonder - Ms. J was never the strongest panelist, but she was a lot more fun than most everyone else since then.

Actually, apparently it's mostly ellipses.

Azmarie is everything this show has ever wanted - cold, gorgeous, confident, interesting.  She's got my vote for at least Top 3.

I thought this album was boring.  The only track I really loved was the first one, The Life.  Minus a billion points for the Chris Brown feature.

Agreed, he sells everything so well.  Every wail was unique and appropriate and so… Steve.

I had to put my dog down last summer, so Steve losing his shit and running from the hospital, having to sit on the curb outside and freak out for a bit, is all too familiar to me.

My thoughts exactly.  31 comments?  Really?  On the first half the of the Project Runway All-stars Finale?!

The Jackass boys are also entertaining.  Bear is such a boring dude.

Flaw free pun is flaw free.

F: Animal.
M: Beaker.
K: Kermit.

…Was A Real Boy is also amazing, and I liked In Defense of the Genre a lot.  About to put this on for the first time.

Know how I know you're gay?