Anne Noise

Wow, what a bizarrely terrible episode, even for the Simpsons.  Whoever green-lit the piece of cloth narrator should be shot into the sun.

He's… too sexy for this show… too sexy while he sews…  too sexy, you knowwwww.

Austin smeared the gelato on Michael's chest, erotically.

Naked Rami needs his own spin-off.

Didn't that one slap her tucked junk on the floor in that dance move that looks painful and more like a sports injury than a dance move?  What more do you want?

He is undeniably sexy and could get it any time.

I'm not convinced any trip to Sweet Tomatoes is worth it.


The dumbness is dumb and should be treated as such.  Openly mock that girl, please.

Move to New York and become Ryan Gosling to that Italian Javier Bardem.  (?)

Honda's biggest flaw is that it isn't Nissin.  Delicious, delicious Nissin.


Don't forget to cup the balls.

@avclub-b89fc71ee73d1d6ec09693a1844bf3a2:disqus Wonderful comment!  Lana Del Ray is still making the same music she did pre-image consultant, and I don't see how her renovation from Gangsta Nancy Sinatra to Gangsta Nancy Sinatra-Joile Rey is any more controversial, commercial, creative or innately negative as any of

So he's Sweded this and other songs for release?  Art imitating art!

Well, Lunchlady Doris was a significantly less prominent character than anyone Hartman played, and though I don't want to diminish Grau's awesomeness, and from the commentary says, they would never recast any of Hartman's roles ever, but out of respect for his work and their love for him, not because his death was

I'll get the tar, you get the feathers, meet at Rabin's house!  Break!

Doris Grau was wonderful in every role.  I am vaguely bothered that the Simpsons un-retired Lunchlady Doris and gave her a similar voice.  They really couldn't leave her character gone out of respect for a woman who spent 15 years on their show?

Also, Endless Mike is implied to be older than Big Pete and is mostly Big Pete's enemy, Paper Cut was strictly a Little Pete enemy, and Hat Head is an enemy to both Petes.  Each one served specific story purpose.