Anne Noise

That's a typo.

@avclub-3a04d36f2c53226d9c27c607cea5e299:disqus Betty White already made that, it's called Hot in Cleveland.  That's about her rubbing her mummy pussy on combustible stuff, right?  In Ohio?

B is for rape jokes.

Or that farm upstate the time your dog went to that farm upstate.

@avclub-3a04d36f2c53226d9c27c607cea5e299:disqus Ancient bandage frottage…  I smell a mildewey new marketing opportunity in my pants!

It was meant to be a humorous commentary on the blind, ignorant stereotyping found on the show and how it panders to similarly ignorant middle aged American white folks, to whom the non-white cast are just the token ethnics.  My bad?

Whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.

There can be only one best Scrubs video on Youtube, and it is this:

Because it's funny.  If you don't think it's funny, you must be an ethnic.

@avclub-3a04d36f2c53226d9c27c607cea5e299:disqus Well sure, if you can understand a word she's saying.

For the record, this might be the most disturbing thing I've even typed.


I would rather eat death's musty, stank cooch than ever watch this show again, and I am a homosexual male with traditional Fright of the Pussy.

Comparing Lisbeth Salander to this pile of trash, especially in regards to its faux-rebellious nature, is a total insult to her source material.

Remains sexy while doing so!

So I sez to Mable I sez…  I'll finish this later.

No, but now that you've said it, I can't unhear it.

No, it's "K" for "Yo! MTV, you need a Kleenex."

Every day I'm shuffling… past that song.

Right there with you.  I am a huge fan of pop, and there was way better music this year than the pop listed here.  Born This Way is an awful song.  Alexandra Stan, Lykke Li, Oh Land and M83 all did more interesting things with pop music this year.