Anne Noise

Fully agreed.  I thought her piece was a lazy hipster Tumblr knockoff. The font and font color, and general weird coloring choices, bugged me really, really bad. It's like she just typed things into the box without worrying about the visual impact at all.  Signing secrets onto the original print was a great idea

The Sucklord, we hardly knew ye, and your time came too soon.  He would have been fun for this challenge.

Bre, Kim, Jayla, Lisa and Nik would all like to disagree - cycle 5 was pretty great.

Neither of them are regular.  Lisa is the party girl and Angelea is the misunderstood ghetto bitch.  716!

I love Community, and sucking fat dick.

The tag is < s > < / s > without the spaces.

Doo-doo-doo doo doooo doo-doo.

Guh, just thinking about that upsets me.  From the commentary, the writers all seem to be cognizant of his contribution to the show and will probably fight tooth-and-nail against using Troy or Lionel Hutz ever again,

Nah, you're right - Krusty discovered slapstick on his own, and his father disowned him for it.  This week's episode was a huge, fairly disappointing retcon.

I thought it was one of the more consistent albums of the year - the flow of the album as a whole is great, and I've left it on repeat for hours at a time.

Absolutely one of my favorite albums this year.  Gorgeous, rich, very relaxing without being disengaging.

I also support The Tale of Dusty and Pistol Pete and Blank Page much much.  Adore was mostly boring filler with a few really solid songs, mostly the ones you listed.

Somehow the last name "Tam" flew right over my head - probably because of how not Asian Simon and River are?  Summer Glau is Irish / German and Sean Maher is some kind of Caucasian, too.  I can't seem to find any origins on either of the characters, so I'm going to continue to assume they aren't Future!Asian.

I have a hugely weird boner for him.

@avclub-e7be8d8e2b9e28afea9bd38a675cd65b:disqus Up your nose with a rubber hose.

She and Tara Reid should have a reality show called OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE FUCK.

"Bring back?"  He was in the most recent one…

I knew a girl who chose to go by Hythyr.

But I love cultural appropriation!  Having only the white people speak "Chinese" was totally appropriate, gorramit!

Let's home it hews closer to a gay porn movie: film all the shower scenes!