Anne Noise

I'll assume D.O.P.E. is an acronym for Dumb, Over-Priced Excrement.

I would not buy this if you holler.

It won't work without Kevin Bacon's dong.

I, John Constantine.

I think I'm one of the few fans of the Constantine movie, even as a somewhat-fan of the comics.

Peter Stormare?  Yes, his role as Lucifer, and Tilda Swinton's Gabriel, are both flawless.

Nathan Fillion for Maverick!

***equips Crocs***

Well, one of the Corey's probably doesn't have much of an opinion.

My parents usually went with, "We gave you life, and we can take it away."


In Berkeley, yeah.  Not sure what part of town they're in, but the transit system is pretty baller in the area.  It's a college town, it's pretty easy to grab a bus to a BART station to get anywhere in the Bay Area.

Probably because it was something that happened to Lisa Simpson, duh.  All I could think of this entire episode was how Lost Our Lisa did it quite a bit better.

I hadn't thought about the books.  To fill the small-sized books they'd been doing, it'll take two to three years of strips, depending on how many sabbaticals he takes (which, really, as a weekly strip, should be none).

Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

Peter has been pretty much reduced to He Eats A Lot or He Talks To Jason.

I'm a CAD apologist, but your entirely legitimate comparison to Garfield totally bums me out.

We're destined to fight forever.

Foxtrot has gone way more Jason-centric, starting even a few years before he went Sunday.  I'm not complaining overall, since Jason is the voice of the majority of his readership, I assume, and also makes for the easiest pop-culture references that are in his niche.  I just miss the character interaction of the

Calvin and Hobbes, duh.