Anne Noise

Foxtrot has been excellent since the very beginning of its run.  Amend is fantastic at using nerdy pop-culture references in an approachable way.  Part of me wishes the strip wasn't so Jason-centric, but I get that he represents the "typical" Foxtrot reader, as well as being the obvious voice for pop-culture

I want some toquitos.

Generally the Simpsons is not the place to go anymore if you like the source material and want something fresh and relevant done with it.  That ties into your first question: yes, seasons 21 and 22 are the weakest the show has done, in my eyes.  23, so far, has been notably better, in the way that it doesn't actively

"1 LIKE"


It's the Stingy and Battery Show!  They bite, and light!  And bite and light and… yadda yadda, you know what I'm talking about.

Lots more hard-drug humor in this season.  Wasn't there an off-handed admission that Grandpa is a heroin addict in the moronic baby seal subplot in whatever bullshit episode that was in?

Stupid Coffee Baby for Braver-maybe???? of the Week

No one who had anything to do with the show feels like invoking the copyright spiders.

Usually "the rights" doesn't necessarily encompass all releases or broadcasts of a program, and streaming wasn't a thing when Scrubs came around, so who knows what the contracts looked like in regards to future uses of the material.

Howzabout "howzabout?"

Show, don't tell.

It got a laugh out of me.  I love Brian's base of acceptance and open-mindedness being tainted by angry prejudices.

Nope.  Not a bit.  One of the flattest jokes of the episode.

He should be more careful with his belt.

Poop on all the chests.

I'm sorry, have you ever tried to draw a soccer ball?  That shit is difficult, as proven by a child:

Four for @avclub-fff4ac4c2f46e5cd75ec8b515c235031:disqus.

The time to have watched Arrested Development was when it was on the air, before it got cancelled because no one watched it.

I thought Al from Tool Time did an okay job, but J. Peterman is probably the all-time best.  (Sorry, Richard Dawson, your leathery pigskin and misguided flirtations make me uncomfortable.)