Anne Noise

The ass pen is a great introduction to the humor of this show.  It's so childish sometimes, but aware.

She's the creator's wife, so he likes casting her.  They met while she was still on the Drew Carey Show.  Since the writing staff for the episodes I can recall being somewhat Jordan-centric seem to be mostly men, I'm assuming she's just a hot bitch trope and a female balance to Dr. Cox, not a Mary Sue.

Only a Rockefeller would allow house rules with multiple hotels.

The dodgeball was really, unbelievably dumb, both the game as a means of settling something?  As we don't already have… Glee competitions…?  And then Kurt's "platform."  Atrocious!  If dodgeball was Dodgeball with a capital D and the show had used it way, way more as a "problem mediation device," sure, it'd be a great

Having a rumor spread around your high school is a little different than a campaign ad attacking your sexuality - I do think it was common knowledge amongst her peers, if only as a rumor.  Freaking about her parents kind of shows that - she's already a badass bitch at school, but her parents finding out breaks her

At one point did one of the boys call Jess "Zooey?"  I swear I heard it, and of course I was watching without DVR so I couldn't rewind.  I sweaaaar.  Hilarious fuckup.

The Frances Bean we see now is a government clone designed to infiltrate the Love complex.

I like to Wang Chung.

Right there with you on Northern Star.  That song is brutal.

Put them in a room together and let them duel it out, winner take all.

A nap with Dr. Conrad Murray.

Indeed she did, clearly NSFW:

You'd do Love without protection?  That's hardcore, man.

For the record, Love also showed dem tittays at the concert.  No mention of that in the article.

Or she's planning her future.

You used that one today already.  You're surprisingly similar to the real Gambino.

I could be either of those things, you don't know.

…so then he'd fit in with most of the Odd Future catalog…

In no particular order:

Take Care and Camp are about equally as good (B, maybe B-) to me.