Anne Noise

Great attitude.  Pretty good album.  Way better than his last one.

Of all the people to apply "musician" too, Drake probably isn't the most accurate.  He at least writes his own lyrics, and his music is largely produced by one of his best friends in a collaborative effort.

One thing Scrubs does consistently well throughout its run was levity mixed with humor.  The pilot and first season don't fully have their heartfelt boots on straight, but what first seasons do?  The show grows amazingly well into being quirky character comedy with real heart.

Sarah Chalke is always Becky #2 to me.

The muffin gag was funny for one or two episodes, but really - if you're going to write a character off so blatantly, either give him cameos, give him a real reason to exist, or send him off with respect.  Bob being a lonely old fuck scoring muffins is not worth it.

Yes, the half-dead but still-breathing corpse of Scrubs that is season 8 is totally worth watching.  The new interns are quite funny - Aziz Ansari and the blonde Elliott No. 2 who is now on Happy Endings, especially.

Perhaps the writers are lazy asshole trolls?

…no… no…  I stay.

It was bad and you should feel bad.

At least the "Halloween in November" gag came in November this year, instead of November like every other year.

How many science fairs have these kids been in?

P.S. Dr. Nick previously appeared in Lost Verizon.

"This week’s Simpsons hurt. While the writers lobbed joke after
joke at the screen, not a single one landed. All of that flop sweat
masquerading as zaniness was cringingly unfunny."

Jinx!  I guess you owe me a coke.

Little could make me happier than seeing The Critic reviews pop up every week.  Thanks!

Buy my book!  BUY MY BOOK!  BUY MY BOOK!!!

Es muy bueno.

Yup.  The X-Files episode was more of the Simpsons' cultural commentary and felt more natural since the X-Files were so huge then.  A Star Is Burns pretty blatantly was just a viewership grab.

You will have a wonderful time with the Critic.

Full of country goodness and green pea-ness.