Anne Noise

But O'Hare has the beautiful underground tunnel between terminals, right?  That place fascinated me to no end as a kid.  Should've just rode the automatic walkway over and over while waiting.

The little sign lit up with "HYSTERICAL SUPPORT."

You've proved yourself wrong with that one, and "brioche a la cannelle" has officially replaced "cinnamon bun" in my vocabulary.

It's only rude if you make it rude.

Fuck you, Disqus, for always being down for me when posts are interesting, and then only being up on articles like this one that I don't have much to say about.

Now let's all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes.

Um, yes.  We all did.  Welcome to the Jon H. Benjamin Love-in.  He is strangely attractive and I'll fight you all for the honor to do dirty things to him.


I never really thought she made the family miserable - they seem used to her schenanigans and they all end up bonding and supporting each other anyway.  She's nowhere near Stewie or Bart, and I don't think she disrespects her parents at all - she's just weird.

You imply exanding the universe to other characters is a negative.  I agree they haven't done it super tactfully on American Dad the past season or two, but learning more about other characters is great.

Cleveland Show can eat shit and die.  Family Guy / Bob's Burgers / American Dad / Simpsons, in that order so Bob's Burgers can benefit from a big Family Guy lead-in.  American Dad and Simpsons don't need it.

XX remains the worst, for me.  This one is near the bottom, though.

Quoth the raven, "Smoke some more."

Paranormal Activity.
Final Destination
Human Centipede (yeah right, and for once, South Park did it.)
A general sendup of 3D horror films?
Super 8, maybe?

If they had just set up the Bible talking to Ned before they ran the credits parody, it would've been fine.  Instead it felt like a joke that never connected - he killed the Mayor… BEFORE being told by the voice?  The narrative is messy as shit, which is too bad, since I thought the "praying arms / dumping the body"

I laugh every time the cow says "tomacco" and you're wrong for not. 

I demand satisfaction!  Tomacco is one of the last great Simpsons episodes, how dare you besmirch it.

He also didn't need one and two together.

The Treehouse of Horror episodes have plenty of cartoonish gore.  Saw or Hostel could fit right in.