Anne Noise

See: Frank Welker.  You think while voicing Megatron or Fred Jones he was concerned with the voice of Q*Bert's dad?  A career is work sometimes, passion other times.

Oh, no no.  For that there will be pooponsequences.

You have to see my praise in the context of the show, too - the photoshoot was nothing spectacular and the girls did nothing but distract, and Coco did her thing well, but pictures were boring as shit.

Joanie was great.  What's her @twat?

You're crazy, I thought she was spectacular.  She knew what to do with the look she was given.

Any chance the Club could start reviewing Australia's Next Top Model?  It's way better.  Well, I love America's Next Top Model more, but it's such a ridiculous show.  Australia is a bit more legit and has significantly less Mr. Jay.

Thank God that mystery was solved.  I couldn't TGIF for years, not knowing who took that dump.  Have they done another Stefan Urquelle episode that I missed?

The Ring is easily the most successful Japanese-to-English film adaptation I can think of - they were radically different but told the same story very well to two different audiences.

Dragonball was hilariously bad.  James Marsters said he wanted to do it and loved the adaptation and wanted to have something to show his kids because he loves Dragonball, but I think he was lying, because that movie smelled like Dragonballs.  (So clever, this post.)

Every time an exec has an urge to remake any movie, they should just enact a small theatrical run of the original and move on.


Boooo.  I'm not a huge Akira fan, but I don't want to see more anime get butchered and mocked for an "American" audience.  I'm looking at you, Speed Racer, Dragonball, Astro Boy…

Apparently I'm the only person who thought it was boring and not even remotely unsettling.  And creepy shit happening to my house while my family is in it, but none of us know what the fuck is going on… that's the stuff of my nightmares.

I believe a homonym is "( o ) ( o )"

The first Paranormal Activity was one of most disappointing horror movies I've ever seen.  Decent premise and a great ad campaign that at least had me interested - I'm not the "jump and scream in the theater" type, but I'm always on the lookout for genuinely innovative and interesting horror movies.

Joel is the obvious, sexiest choice, but I say Drew for knowing the right Braverman to go to for advice - lovely Amber, lovely as always - and to successfully use that advice to his advantage.

I'm leaning more towards some kind of costly medical complication, costly both in cash and emotion.  This show couldn't possibly do two totally easy births, right?  Sure, Adam missed Nora's birth, but it was a pretty lightweight birth.  The coffee girl is probably going to give birth to a giant tomato or something.

You're crazy.  He's the exact opposite - loveable and friendly and intelligent and unbelievably sexy.  I'm about to snatch a bitch weave for talking shit!

I looooove Car Chase Terror, but I know I'm in the minority.  I agree that it's jarring on Dawn, but I think it flows well on Hurry Up, We're Dreaming.

Yeah, I think most of my opinion comes from personal disappointment - all the factors were there for it to be good, and it just wasn't a faithful enough adaptation for me.  Too much Olaf, dammit.