Anne Noise

A Series of Unfortunate Events is a very good YA series.

Let me be the first to say don't bother.

Baby, you got a stew goin'.

Remains sexy while doing so.

This pushes Dawn to third, but just barely - Dawn and this are A- albums, Dead Cities is an A+.

S=Y is my least favorite album of his, like a C, C+ at best, and is most definitely a continuation of Until the Dawn.  The new album sounds along the same lines, he's definitely moving along the same sound path or whatever, but it's more epic and fun and varied like Dead Cities - it has his essence, which is what S=Y

I don't get the premise of this episode - hipsters like horses?  90's music + horse rides == an elementary school apple pick.

Does Saves the Day count as "shitty" emo?

Agreed.  An F means I'm looking up some of the tracks on YouTube to gauge their F-ocity for myself.

I think you were being sarcastic, but I agree that his show with Carmen Elektra is his best work.

I also didn't like S=Y, but this feels like the lessons learned on S=Y filtered through the eye of Dawn.

You're crazy, Raconte-Moi Une Historie is one of my favorite tracks on the album.

Absolutely awesome album, my second favorite from M83 behind Dead Cities.  Engaging and full and familiar and fresh and awesome.

It's The Pigman, by Paul Zindel.  Appears there are a few sequels.

The Body is the best Buffy episode, and a damn fine piece of television.  Unpredictable and brutal and full of heart.  Anya's speech about death is amazing:

I really want to know what this said.

One: where's the fife.

AV Club could be renamed Always A Simpsons Quote, Always Appropriate.

I hope they still make that shampoo I like.

She's smart enough not to get her nude pictures stolen, too, I bet.