Anne Noise

Honestly not trying to be demeaning - again, as a gay, and as a nerd, she'd be a great nerd-hag to play games with and talk about boys and junk, but she's not doing it for me with the acting thing.

A hwonderful guy.

I hope you die having lived a long, prosperous life.

As another gay man, you can have her all to yourself.  I'm sure she's a great nerd-hag, though.

I wish I liked her, but I really, really don't.  She was grating in both Dr. Horrible and Eureka, and The Guild is just not pulling and strings with me either.  Good for nerdy girls getting their shit together and not being Olivia Munn, but mehhhhhhh.

It's Jason Sudoku.

All mugging should be Hader.

Agreed.  The end piece vs. the original looked derivative, not inspired.  The construction mostly seemed accidental.  Should've maybe not been in the bottom - the collage was atrocious, man - but not the top at all.  I actually quite liked the guts.

Worthless degrees represent.

The horrible collage was the weakest piece, but I think Sucklord missed the point of the challenge entirely, and thus failed the hardest and should've gone home.  But I'm glad he's still around, I think his personality totally deserves a second chance.  (Because this show is totally basically America's Next Top Model.)

The time limit on shows like this - especially Bravo's - used to bother me, but now I consider it a broader interpretation of each show's general concept of "artists who are strong being put through challenges that don't have shit to do with art, thus creating weird new viewpoints and boundaries."  It's not supposed

I bought Monster-in-Law for a friend for his birthday, so he does.  Anecdotal win!

Frank Ocean is the crooner of the group, essentially, so if you aren't into R&B, he's not going to be for you.

No, money down!

Hearts, stars and horseshoes, clovers and blue moons.

I couldn't disagree more - Tyler does seem like the most solid producer, rapper and personality from the crew, but Earl Sweatshirt has an almost-as-good flow, Frank Ocean has put out a handful of great releases, and BlackendWhite from MellowHype was great.  I also like Domo Genesis a bit, but haven't been super

Could've taken more than one episode, though.  I would've liked to see Julia legitimately help the girl through a troubled pregnancy to earn her trust.  I feel like there will be a complication of some kind - there can't possibly be two uncomplicated babies within as many months of each mother, on a show like this,

Eerily timed Steve Jobs homage?

Crosby doesn't say anything to justify his position until the middle of the second iteration of any argument, and only with an unrelated family member, so there's no real resolution.

I loved it.  The kid who plays Max was on fire this episde - his meltdown at the beginning while trying to process his punishment was great, and the Amber / Max relationship was great.  Everything felt very natural - if Max was my cousin / brother / son, at this point, something like his interruption would be pretty