Anne Noise

I don't think the gag hit overuse at all - they only used it seriously once or twice, and a handful of times more with a smirk.

*liked, but when liked means disliked but laughed with your loss, not at it*

I've always just used "Jada," generally.  I don't know why.  I Cher-ified her myself.

"Spotted dick" is a kind of gross custard dish from England, though I'm not sure that clarifies the lyric much - why does a leopard have any?

@Danksjavlar - The JFK movie is House of Yes, and is fantastic.

the Maeby / Surely bit
My favorite joke in the entire series, I think. Too fucking clever.

It can't possibly come as surprising that Americans are more infuriating and pedantic than the British. Unless you're Christian, who stands wide-eyed and amazed at the slightest noise.

Thee Michelle Gun Elephant are fucking brutal, thanks for the reminder, Miko.

Korn and Skrillex is a match made in heavy, you're all crazy.

Love it
Great album.

I was disappointed that the girls didn't get to question her, though. This episode needed to be an hour long, or a two-parter. I loved them driving up, and I wish they'd had more time to talk to Ellen, but I agree that the death worked well as it is.

My mom told me a handful of times that's what they're called, in an aware-of-how-awful, don't-ever-say-it-for-real-real, how-funny-are-old-people kind of way.

Opening Death
One of my favorites, very powerful and subtle. A great example of Six Feet Under setting up one death or another - even having seen this episode four or five times, I still expect some bad war shit to go down while he's filming his tape - and then pulling the rug out and revealing something different.

Yes, smelling weird stuff can be a sign of a brain tumor. (Or maybe it was this show that taught me that. No, I swear, some other show used the plot point as well.)

Ouch, though.

Which Pokemon is your favorite? Is it… Cloyster?


Failed four-and-a-half-sies.

I was going to try to watch the show in realtime with the A.V. Club's weekly postings, but after I watched the Pilot, I watched all of season one and most of season two. Oopsies.

Baby… baby… pirate?!