Anne Noise

Marge saying things out of character consistently breaks me up. "What the dilly-yo," from that episode that time, gets me good.

No homo.

Mike is obnoxious but not villainous at all. He's just kind of a loud, sometimes oblivious semi-douche.

Late-season drag
Every reality show, especially those with 16+ contestants at the beginning, slow their pace down to unbearable by the end. When you have to show 16 people cooking, then 15, for 14 weeks, until you finally get to four boring people cooking boring shit, shit gets boring. (Shocking.)

Tom: Call me.
I find Mr. Colicchio unbelievably sexy.

For the purposes of this show, I guess:

Lauren Graham and her children-fruit always argue at the same time, over each other, just getting louder and louder because they're shouting both at AND over each other. Craziness. I would go apeshit in that situation.

Lauren Graham and Peter Krause, should they make it long enough, are going to have incredibly sexy, perfect children.

I'm pro-Crosby and anti-Jasmine, but seeing Crosby's true colors - i.e. his selfishness outside of a "playful" or "tense" situation, and rather in a serious, obnoxious situation - is making me like him less. Props to Dax for continuing to be a really solid actor, though.

Peter Krause is sexy as hell. Apparently the only reason I have an A.V. Club account is to talk about mens.

Music sounds better with you, babe.
Liked this episode a lot, with big bonuses (boni?) for more of Mae Whitman singing and for the National.

I would argue that you haven't been paying enough attention to this album. It seemed pretty obvious it was going to kick ass, and it does.

Ben Bailey > all
It's scary how much the Chicago girl looks like Ben Bailey. They could be siblings.

The one Delouise who plays the dad
He is sexy as hell, NGL.

I've hated everything Glee does with a football game, or on a football field, or any time the guys are in football uniforms. Other than locker room scenes (yum) or non-musicals.

EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on your second not-first.

Um, has Ronnie ever hit Sammi on the show, or has she said he did? Because calling him a girl-beater, when I know SHE has hit HIM, is kind of unfair to Ronnie.

There's this thing where people have differences of taste. I've gotten my share of shit for being attracted to old, bald, fat, hairy men - hellllooooo Michael Chiklis - so I can't blame anyone for being attracted to whoever they want.

Whether you like the style or not, that shit can clearly withstand gale-force winds. It's not the form they're trying to advertise, its the function. I assume.