
im not cool enough to know that firsthand but i believe you.

i agree…it doesnt line up for me with what she said to andrea about who her "pets" were either. i mean they did a bad thing, yes, but it was more irresponsible than evil. yet the way she portrayed it to Andrea i was thinking they were some type of child molesters/rapists or something. though i guess if someone got my


definitely feasible, id be wanting to do it too in a ZA. or even NOT in a za! i dont know though, its a different cultural climate here…the stereotype of a black guy as a deadbeat dad who just wants to smoke up is pretty common in america. its one of the main images we see of black men on tv.

Was anyone else disappointed by Michone's back story? That was the big story we have been waiting for all this time? Her boyfriend got high and didn't take care of the baby?