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    Mix the Bible with crap like this... you sound smart, but that’s probably the best you could come up with, it’s ok will forgive and forget you

    Said a... crane :-))) yes, with a “high” IQ definitely

    And the real black ones reminded you of what? “White House”, leaving on public aid?

    She and her father, both more successful than probably all the losers writing negativ here... combined :-D

    Well, IF they don’t get an advantage why penalize them, for ruining their car?

    You missed the point, this person as well as anyone I know want to watch football!! Don’t give a damn about his opinion, he had a good job... that kneeling was not a part of it. Football is entertainment, people pay if they like it, doing things people don’t like DOESN’T SELL TICKETS!!! No money coming in, he had to

    Trust me nobody is trying to convince you anything... you have a sick mind and can’t come up with anything healthy after reading the cursing article and the garbage in it. Reading and praising about the ex-president’s daughters (not one)... it is ok, it’s just this one that you got a problem with? In the dumpster it’s

    I’m sorry to say but it’s not the circuit... It’s the driver, he ain’t got it, the rest of the drivers qualified on the same course. We don’t compare here, Alonzo’s race results with Ham’s because it was two different events. We compare drivers within the same race. Ham’s qual and finish results are as you saw, qual

    I’d like to think that $375k to him it was pocket change compared to his wealth and probably not worth the nuisance. She’s a ho, I mean what was she there for, looking for a “husband”... she knew exactly what she wanted and how to do it. If he would’ve been a poor guy, we wouldn’t have heard about her $375k “pain” and

    I totally agree and for what all those “accurate” news stations we only need to look at the election... News meant to steer people in a certain direction, blaming anyone from Puttin to... political UFO’s. Trying something new to bring this country back to it’s once own greatness is nothing wrong. Riots, insults and

    You mean Barrack giving you a gift from South side Chicago where he was from...

    So what was in the box? (Bananas)

    Just as the election results (aprox 60 & 62 million votes pro & contra) so are the opinions of people reading your report. We’ve had a Democrat voted president for 8 years regardless of the people against it. But riots, media and bs reports like now I’ve never seen before. I usually done feed of politics, don’t follow

    I don’t know what racism really is... Is it a one way street, meaning that blacks can say whatever they want all day long and it’s OK?!? or perhaps talking smack about the current lady is punishable with contact termination but it’s all OK, good and “healing” to talk about incoming first lady... wow, such perverts