@mwynn13: Has it occurred to you that older women may not want a life long commitment either? Many are just looking for a casual night out or in for dinner and perhaps a bit of physical sharing.
@mwynn13: Has it occurred to you that older women may not want a life long commitment either? Many are just looking for a casual night out or in for dinner and perhaps a bit of physical sharing.
@RenoMartini: The first time I saw a pink dress at a bridal show, I burst out laughing. Now when I see pink, balloon boobs, giant tiara and strapless I just sigh.
@partizan: I don't know about the rest of my fellow citizens, but yup I'm fascinated.
He's still got it, he just needs to aim for more mature ladies.
@Gay Bash: Not the Strathmore Tiara, I want to wear it forever.
@Princess Leela: Vera should stop making strapless and see what happens. How can she continue to support this horrid trend? So glad me and both of my sisters had sleeves. All different of course, but no strapless gowns in any of our weddings.
@Princess Leela: Please let it be a death blow to the millions of strapless tube dresses people have been wearing. I loathe and despise strapless wedding dresses. They make no statement and most women look awful in them . I know Kate looks beautiful in anything, but please let her put an end to the strapless…
@cait98: I was under the impression that neither Camille nor Kelsey has ever spent much time alone with their children. Funny, but perhaps the divorce will require the parents spend more time with their children than they do now.
@meganmariasangria: Bravo
Because he's a guy. It's just like a girl who sleeps around is a tramp but if a guy does it, he's a stud. Simple.
Warning, do not give the laundry soap and steak knives to your girlfriend unless you are absolutely certain she wants the soap.
@Eridani: Gee that almost makes me feel better. Thanks
Since I'm not a gorgeous, young, dancing cheerleader, I'm guessing their entire life is a lot different than mine. But then again, they will never know what it's like to be an anonymous person who doesn't have people doing things for her because I'm not pretty.
@oh no i di'n't: Ahh, a Minnesotan. I grew up in Ashland, WI. We went to Duluth a lot and the Twin Cities at least once a year.
@oh no i di'n't: You're killin' me. Must be a Sconnie yourself.
At least this nut job is NOT from Wisconsin.
@monpetitchou: I guess they are as bored with their work as we are. I love it.
Amber Portwood blaming the "Teen Mom" show for her problems is like Brett Favre blaming his cell phone for his sexting.
I think Roman Polanski looks like Danny Kaye.
@dill616: I hope she takes lots of Valium because she needs it.