
@frankie22: Duh, maturity is earned through life experience and education both formal and informal. Paris can't have learned much by drinking, drugging and sleeping her way around the world for the past 15 or so years. They call drugs "dope" for a reason. Or to quote a famous, inspirational movie about education,

@JinxyMcDeath: I feel for you. You are a good friend.

Did she take out her blue contacts to reveal her brown eyes? No? What a surprise, not. I think her intent was to look (ahem) slutty. Dressing like a Native American was a secondary thing. I'd have been embarrassed if she dressed like a slutty Norwegian, but I don't think it's possible.

I miss my majorette boots. They are surprisingly comfortable and made my legs look good.

Amber's erratic behavior, coupled with new creepy boyfriend is suspicious. She has a lot of anger issues that require intensive therapy before she can be trusted to take care of Leah safely. I liked that her new guy cleaned the apt, at least I think he did because when she's not hitting Gary or tossing Leah in her

@sheilagirl: I think they didn't want to rate the Pro with the amateurs.

I wouldn't say he's the world's worst DA. I think he's the world's worst husband. Or at the very least, the world's worst serial cheater.

I think Kennedy is probably really confused by this whole situation, I know I am. Perhaps she can pick up another activity, like gymnastics, or a different sport like soccer. I noticed she lives in Michigan, thank goodness. If she lived in Texas, this would have ruined her social life until after college. Texans

@dj underboob: And this guy is the biggest butt of all.

I agree that Sammi is ridiculously stupid, but I think JWowwwwww is a bully and a big jerk. She wasn't trying to help Sammi, she was finding more reasons to dislike her. JWoww has never liked Sammi's relationship with Ron, maybe she wants him. In retrospect, JWoww and Snooki should have got Sam to return to one of

Kate should never speak badly of her children's father, in front of them or on TV. My husband and I raised his children from his first marriage and sure we had rough times, but it wasn't about us. It's about the kids, neither parent gets to berate the other, you only hurt the kids when you do tell tales.

And it's yellow my favorite color. A yellow dress, ruffles and ice-cream. What all dreams look like to me.

I went to band camp in the '70's in Bemidji, Mn. One year I came back to find that Nixon resigned. I didn't go to camp after that. I remember loving the dorm we were in, which explains spending 3 years in the same dorm room in college. I am still a nerd.

@SarsDoesn'tSave: Caroline and her two Toadies (Teresa and Jacqueline) are just as mean as Danielle. However, Danielle doesn't seem as obsessed as the other "Mean Girls". I know they do some things under direction from Bravo, but most of the time they act like snotty teens. I guess that's where Ashley learned how

@NewsBunny: I hope you're right about this. And I agree, ripping off the original Tea Party is wrong and shows a clear lack of imagination.

@CandyBacon: Apparently she's not calling Vonage.

@cressid: Ya sure, ya betcha. Those Flatlanders! Ish da!

@girlwonder: Drink beer, go to Sons of Norway party, drink more beer, leave car running all the time or it won't start, buy more beer, run for mayor.