Deep thinker

Not only do I have imagery from reading the book, I also have the full cast recording of the Anniversary edition playing in my head. The voice talent for Shadow was truly talented, and that deadpan response was one of so many lines he delivered to perfection. I highly recommend that Audible edition to everyone who

I sure wish he had, since his singing is such a strong feature in "Anansi Boys."

Um, help me here. Where in the book did Mr. Nancy seek an energy boost?

Mr. Deep Thinker and I agree that Mr. Nancy's speech/monologue/performance/diatribe on the slave ship makes an unfortunate suggestion that he as Anansi needs others to die as sacrifice to maintain his godly power.

One of my favorites is that schlubby bro that Has a Destiny in Anansi Boys…

I agree that the artistic choices made for this show are, well, just plain AWESOME. and some are appropriately awe-inspiring!

That is what makes this such an exciting show, rawbun! What you saw as a beautiful choice for an art director is one that comes laden with art historic meaning, and resonates gorgeously with the images previously shown.

I find this to be helpful—it deepens my understanding of the characters and their mythological significance over vast periods of human history.

As I mentioned above, Mr. Deep Thinker and I are listening to the full cast audio version based on the expanded anniversary edition (20+ hours). It is probably the fourth time I have listened to it, and the more I listen, the more fantastical it gets, as my understanding of how the many many parts fit together. One

I get a sense from her review that she doesn't quite get the worship aspect!

McShane is well into his seventies. Let's not forget what the god he is playing has to go through!

No offense, but I am guessing you haven't been inside many churches, as that architecture was traditional and had a spiritual meaning to it for centuries!

Mr. Deep Thinker and I are listening to the full cast audio edition of the book, which is based on the expanded anniversary edition. In that, the viewing and funeral scenes are quite long and excruciating, as you feel Shadow's grief is matched by his exclusion. No one can quite look him in the eye and he doesn't know

Major part for the plot, though brief, about three quarters in to the book.

Gaiman describes his novel as meandering, and the anniversary edition put out by Hill House (now defunct small press) restored 12,000 words that were cut by William Morrow from the original bestseller. The anniversary version hints at worlds more to explore than what can be compressed in 8 episodes!

The visual imagery of this version of American Gods strikes me as Baroque—Catholic Counter-Reformation story telling.

I was hoping hard for Dwayne "The Rock" myself.

Not a fan of sharing Switched at Birth space with The Fosters, however excellent others might find that show to be.