Anne Gordon Chen

I too am hoping Bjorn learned from his mother especially when it comes to family loyalty and love.

You are pretty smart. I just read some comments from the directors and writers and they said that the Vikings (with Ragnar) adjusted their fighting techniques as they went along so they could match up to Eckbert and the other Vikings who knew the same methods. They also said that Ragnar doesn't tell anyone his plans

I think that whatever the writer say about her she is a slave. Her parents were killed in a raid and they brought her back as a child. I could be wrong but didn't Ziggy offer to be a servant to Legertha before they became friends?

I guessed that they couldn't think of a period word for "boyfriend."

I agree. Relax it's a great TV show and historical or not who cares?

This is a man who consults a skull to tell him what he should do. He got some bad advice.

Don't be so anxious to get rid of Ragnar. The show was developed around his character real or fictional. I don't want him gone at all just reunited with Legertha.

They don't have to kill the princess unless they can't think of any other good way to get rid of such a boring character.

I agree Trish, but working together as a group is what makes the show good. I hope they don't kill any of the fan favorites.

I saw an interview with one of the cast members who said that what is read in the "historical" sources is neither true or untrue so the writers can write it any way they want.

I would think that if Ragnar kills Blood Eagle style that would be pretty shocking. At least for me. I was shocked when four men came to beat up Legertha. I agree Travis is the star.

But from what I know, if people read the book first, the red wedding would have been no surprise.

I'm happy that the show doesn't try to follow Viking folklore as historical fact but I do sometimes read the folklore to help understand a culture I knew nothing about. The folktale was that Legertha came back from helping out Ragnar and decided she would make a better ruler than her husband so she stabbed him. That

Athelstan is educated and intelligent as well as curious. If the ruler he is with is also the same they have something in common. They don't have a lot of people to share their knowledge with. The common people were just trying to survive.

Do you think there is any way that views of the fans can be listened to? The director in one interview said that they changed the writing and directing of two scenes because Travis suggested changes he thought would be good. Wouldn't that indicate that they could change things into the season?

Because the lighting director needs to turn up the light so we old people can see it better. Ha.

I disagree.

Why does the seer say that the gods always smile on strong women. He indicates Ziggy is strong and she's lost her sons, her daughter, her husband, her position, and her pride. Lagertha is strong and she has lost her daughter to the plague, and her husband to the princess. and her son who she gave four years of her

I agree with you. The earl would not have her raped because he doesn't intend to let her go and many abusers don't want the one they abuse to be physically with any other man.

Lagertha has some quick reflexes and good aim.