
I won't even wade into everything, there's so much going on here and the review says it well.

Wait… you're telling me… that was supposed to be a part of it?? No wonder my experiments don't work! I'm suing the university!

I wanna KEEP BEES.

I'm not certain but I think that might be a misdirect - I don't think they'd be quite that clumsy!

Wowwwww. That made no sense when I heard it, and it makes even LESS sense written down. Enzo so casually saying "I let him experiment on me" after spending decades being experimented on and going rather mad in the process? And honestly, why did West make the antidote at all? It's all so confusing and silly. TVD, you

It was suggested that the Travelers themselves made the antidote for Elena's virus, since Sloan said "we're using our resources to come up with it" or something like that….? If they had just said WE USED MAGIC! I would have bought it, but when you throw around science terms, you could at least pretend to care a teensy

Question that is bugging the heck out of me: how on earth did a random "antidote" cure Elena of the werewolf venom? Why was no mention made of getting Klaus's blood? Did the Travelers conveniently magick up a way to cure it along with the virus? How the heck did they make the "antidote" to those "viruses" anyway? (As

But it would be so out of character for Hannibal to be so sloppy - the copy killing didn't exonerate Will because it was so obviously different. If it had been Hannibal, it would have been perfectly calculated to achieve his aims. I do find it fascinating how Hannibal made use of the opportunity though. I think Bryan

Actually it doesn't seem like Hannibal did these murders, which makes sense given all the things that don't add up - Hannibal wouldn't be so sloppy as to change the cause of death if he was trying to help Will. See Bryan Fuller's comments:…

That was mentioned in another thread and I think it's probably accurate. I sometimes wish we didn't get casting news before big new characters are revealed!

YES!! Every time that guy had another scene I loved him more and more. He felt kind of like a drop in from one of Bryan Fuller's quirkier universes, in a marvelous way.

Your assumption that Hannibal committed the copycat murder is a bit hasty, I think. Bryan Fuller said in his AV Club interview about this episode that the question of who did that is a big one that will have huge consequences. I think Hannibal takes advantage of it to give Will false hopes, then he yanks them away by

Amell tweeted that he was responsible for the ceiling look. Bless him. One of the best moments of the episode :D

Theory that I would love to see happen: Another doppelgänger surfaces, we get YET ANOTHER Dobrev performance of a new character, and then Katherine switches into her. I'm totally with you, we can't lose Katherine!! And I can't imagine the show would be ballsy enough to nix Elena forever. Though I hope they keep it

Your review made me cry! So, er, well done.

Caroline: “She did kill me, although I’m weirdly better off.”

Re: Augustine, I'm not really clear on how all the dissecting/torture helps their ~science~ at all. If their intent is to use vampire blood to cure humans, why does the physiology of vampires matter at all? And it doesn't seem like a terribly complicated idea in general - give vampire blood to a sick human, they'll be

Someone call mythbusters!

"Unwilling to kill off characters permanently" - except Lexi, Alaric, Jenna, Elena's bio-parents, Anna, Pearl, Cole, must I go on… Sure, we saw a lot of them as ghosts briefly, but they sure stayed dead!

Wait wait wait. Did we skip over the part where they KILLED KATHERINE?!? I do not like the idea of Katherine's WAKE because it means she's dead! Am I missing something???? DO NOT WANT. Of course this is TVD and "death" can be completely transitory but… if they're having a wake it suggests she's pretty darn dead. ARGH.