WuhanSARS ain’t nuttin ta fuck wit
WuhanSARS ain’t nuttin ta fuck wit
Its about creating awareness for a problem that is coming to what degree there’s not that much of a consensus but it’s a problem nonetheless unless you are completely daft and believe that this is just some extraordinary fluctuation in CO2 levels that clearly is just a natural fluctuation and of course humans have…
What I’m saying is this. There’s 2 ways to change things. 1 through violent upheaval committed by a minority and 2 through grassroots movements that mobilize into the mainstream. Now obviously this is a case of the latter.
This has nothing to do with holding a grudge since for one I’m in my mid 30s so the only connection I have to the Vietnam war is my grandfather served as an advisor to the South Vietnamese army in the early 60s for a year before he retired. So it’s got no real effect on me or my family. What this is about is telling…
This is not the person you want to be the face of a protest. Jane Fonda is the worse kind of activist latching onto whatever movement is en Vogue at the moment without understanding what she is actually protesting. Everyone knows her picture of her sitting on the anti aircraft gun in Hanoi and really that’s not that…
Perhaps it's to make em say uhh
Lol keep going. Don’t let your white knighting of high school history education Jack up there get in the way of something factual like no we weren’t allies with any of the countries we fought in WW2 prior to our entry into get in your way.
I get it you are either gaslighting me or you are daft. I tend to lean towards the latter since you did post this the other day.
I think the problem is you are viewing this from a lens of everything that came after. Put yourself in the viewpoint of 1939 and you’ve got a country that overwhelmingly doesn’t support military action surprisingly it was barely a majority who opposed it at the onset of WW2 in Europe but when Poland fell it was closer…
Well lets see since you have about as much as a background knowledge on the topic as Jack up here. For one the US had no defense treaties with Britan, France, or Poland. So therefore acting as if we were “allies” in 1939 is factually incorrect. So yeah when someone is a supposed professional writer on a politics blog…
Jack could have just ended what was a decent enough point but just had to throw in that last little snipe that is about as well informed on history and geopolitics as one could be expected of a high school sophomore. Generally people knew the Nazis weren’t exactly the good guys but very few in 1939 had any idea just…
What gave it away was it the diatribe on how drones are apart of modern warfare and how there should be some sort of moral compass they should have for their use when in a paragraph prior the writer laments not being able to develop an emotional connection to an item used to kill people?
Of course they have they are the only demographic that consistently votes for their own interests. If everyone did that the Republican party would poll somewhere around the green party in a presidential election
Yeah you can kiss that dream goodbye the second it came out he had a heart attack. We all should know elections aren't about a candidates position on anything since we as a country have voted time and time again against our better good it's more about how well one side can portray the other as weak or out of touch. …
Well for one not holding a press conference showing the results of your supposed native heritage are about as equal to anyone who can trace their families roots in this country to over 100 years ago. This is why her aspirations of becoming president are a pipe dream because despite agreeing on almost all of her points…
Well that and Craig James running around killing hookers.
The Boston tea party also had the backing of many important political and business people, and had almost half the population of Boston showing up in support of the action. No this is more like a bunch of misguided idiots who would have been better off chaining themselves to a gate or blocking entry into the facility…