
Agreed. I don’t care about any of those stories. The Walk looks mildly interesting, but if I never see it, I really don’t mind. One of the reasons that I just don’t give a crap is that they are all just another bunch of stories about white men. Fuck, I am tired of stories about nothing but white men. Boring.

You see Tommy Wiseau’s ass one too many times but otherwise no not that upsetting.

Or train or a plane. Or on a boat or with a goat.

Or as we like to call them “Bear Pinatas”.

What’s wrong with serving two people 14 drinks over the course of 3-4 hours? As long as they aren’t slurring or acting inappropriately how would you know if they are over-served or not? Obviously they are too impaired to drive, but there’s a huge gap between “too impaired to drive safely” and “too drunk to live

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.

I’v taught for almost 20 years and I’ve never had a kid take a swing. You know why? I learned how to de-escalate a situation and let the kid save face. I learned when to not push kids on issues. I’ve learned when to let small infractions slide. I learned these things because I can never use force. It’s a shame police

Whereas the last time I spent time with my 7 year old nephew, he asked me what a “Trap Queen” was.

Lemme guess: the female cast members will be a mother, a hooker and a love interest. Bonus points if the hooker is also the love interest.

it really does seem like a bold move to be making a balls-out Western revenge fantasy starring a cast nearly completely made up of white men in the year 2015.

I agree.

Look, Jezzies, I too am ready to settle for Hillary Clinton’s brand of hypercentrist pantsuited warhawking. But let me pine for Bernie, in the green pastures of America’s unreachable left field, for just a few more months.

Do you know what spray tan is made out of? I mean, they each have different proprietary things in them, but what turns you brown is DHA, or Dihydroxyacetone. It sounds scary, but it’s just an extract from beets. It reacts with the amino acids on the outer layer of your skin and turns ‘em brown. DHA has been approved

This shit is so ridiculous. I had an abortion at PP. I was actually quite conflicted about it (I’d always been sort of pro-choice, but I never really thought that much and I though I could never have an abortion until I found out I was pregnant two weeks after finally leaving my abusive ex—and it was definitely his).

Many years ago at the group home for developmentally disabled teens where I worked there was a resident who really, really wanted to go to the best steak house in the city for his 18th birthday. He had behavior and anger issues, but was determined to earn that birthday dinner, and he managed it. So another staff

I HAVE COMPLAINED ABOUT IRA GLASS’ VOICE (ETA: I’l admit I didn’t attribute it to vocal fry as much as to that affected clipped thing. he does. at the end. of every intro.)

I’d like to think that there is a BCO-worthy story of what went on backstage in that Pizza Hut that caused diners to wait over an hour for their pizzas. Sinkholes in the kitchen floor, tweaked-out line cooks wielding cleavers, dragons nesting in the mozzarella tub? I wanna know.

As a grown man, yes. I can be at work, filling up a joint, and if I sense it going extremely well, I inadvertently pop a boner. I don’t mean to, I’m just happy to be alive. Alive and good at my job. My penis agrees.

It is also her pet cat. He climbs on her and sleeps in the little curve she makes and she once chased my boyfriend’s parents back down the stairs because they got too close to her kitten.

Not to deviate attention from the intent of your post, which is important and profound (and I’m sorry it was a hard situation for you, and happy you made the best choice for yourself), but I just wanted to mention that while I know the cat belongs to your boyfriend but when I first read it, it seemed like the pitbull

Can’t help but hear a Tina Belcher “eehhhhhh” when I look at this.