I think that's Christian Bale's hair piece from "American Hustle".
I think that's Christian Bale's hair piece from "American Hustle".
Am I the only one that doesn't think American Hustle deserves all of these nominations?
Look, I hate to break this to you, but anyone who really knows anything about the Catholic Church — as opposed to journalists and bloggers who just cover it when it's a good story — always knew that Francis wasn't as liberal as lots of people thought he was.
Hmm.... first person to turn this back on black women being welfare queens wins. Go!
I think tumblr is already doing a fine job by itself getting feminists to tear each other to shreds.
In my relationship we had complete fart freedom before the two month mark, and now we're engaged. These things are likely connected.
I thought they were too constipated to do that reliably?
Don't tell me what I can do for breakfast.
Netflix is the SAME!
Seeing all these people rag on low-fat dairy makes me sad. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I can't drink anything but skim milk unless I want to get very sick. You guys are making me feel like I'm drinking liquid sin.
That depends on how comfortable you are explaining the location and nature of your frostbite to the nice triage nurse.
I guess you've never heard about the opening of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring?
I'm surprised by some of the comments. She's happy/in-love-with a part of her body. The article takes the tone of "it's funny," but the comments left here are so negative and bitchy. Regardless of whether you think her butt is too big or too small or fake or real or whatever the fuck, why are we tearing down and…
Jezebel - "Where we never judge any woman's body.....unless they look good in tight clothes. Fuck those bitches."
Omg. I have a huge thing for Peter Dinklage ever since Elf. GoT just solidified it. I know I am a weirdo.
My question is — is this movie doing anything new? At this point, "white Wall Street conmen experience meteoric rise and disgraceful plummet, as accompanied by prostitutes and drugs; cause us to question our own social values" isn't new ground to tread. In a year where we had some pretty cool and unusual things…
Ellie didn't have the choice though. That was taken away from her by Joel. He also lied to her in the end.
Hmmm maybe I should look up the recipe on Pinterest.....