Anne Cook

Yeah I think Im just projecting on that one. I want to believe its kind. Had someone close to me kill themselves….kinda skews my perspective on this.

I wonder if Jimmy violated some technicality with the old folks/Sandpiper meddling that can cause HHM to not give him his share. And if Jimmy has to go to court over it, well he cant represent himself because of probation and Kim is the logical person who would be his lawyer.

I know lots of people are taking Chuck's words to Jimmy as mean but I take them the other way. If he's planning on suicide or just anticipating a breakdown then it makes sense. He tells Jimmy they are good the way they are and that he didnt mean much to him anyway. Isnt that sort of a "whatever happens next (ie.…

Not my thing really. Actually never saw BB. Was going to but then this was announced so I made a conscious choice to watch BB after, thought if i ever get laid up with a week long illness I might binge it.

I think she looks pretty good for a 58 year old normal person in a mid sized city which is what they were going for.

Most people are frumpy unless they purposely doll up. She was doing manual labor in the fall when he first met her. Full make up, heels, and done hair would be silly when putting down concrete. And the next time was at a grief support group, no need to dress up.

Plus that widow he met is Tamara Tunie. She won't be single for long. He needs to start putting the work in on that.

Unless the contract stated thy have to pay to his estate. And I can't imagine a contract Chuck was a part of not including every foreseeable twist and turn of life.

Doesnt that depend on Chuck's will? I can't see Chuck leaving anything to Jimmy and I can't see Chuck not having a will.

Probably hanging with his grandkid and consoling the nice woman he just met when she found out her husband was murdered and left rotting in the desert.

Im assuming word gets around and pieces get put together.

Im assuming Howard cashed in investments, took out a second mortgage, stuff like that to make the first payment.

I don't think so personally. I actually believe Howard wanted him out so bad and wanted HHM to survive that he took the hit on his own. He's betting that with Chuck gone and the firm surviving that he can make up the money again.

Ive always liked Howard. He wanted Jimmy in HHM, was fair and square to Kim. He kept the secrets and promises to Chuck until it threatened the firm. And he tried nicely to dissuade Chuck from any sort of vendetta.

Why is Jimmy wanting to stick it to Howard?

Your grandma gave you 20?

I thought he hit or dislodged some sort of gas line and had been breathing that in.

His illness was always going to resurface. The doctor warned him about that but he thought he was too special.

Did he get one last knife in?

The George Constanza method works.