Anne Cook

I think the "what if it's not a suggestion" was a warning that he will force retirement if he has to.

Isnt the point of a class action lawsuit as opposed to suing individually to show that there has been systemic and massive wrong doing? The point is to make the settlement like a fine that would discourage not only that particular company but the entire industry from that particular wrongdoing?

Do we know if Kim knew Jimmy switched the numbers? Either in a "yes, for sure" or in an evasive "she strongly suspected" kind of way?

Oh okay, I didnt know that about bridge loans. That's cool.

Chuck, according to Chuck is special. He is smarter and better. You could tell when he was meeting with his doctor last week and she was trying to be realistic about his progress. He had a line about how sure, ordinary people might take awhile but people like him…surely they were different. He isnt an ordinary patient.

Does Jimmy know the vet? And I dont think Mike has given any indication to Jimmy that he has that much. And a bank….I have a feeling Jimmy's credit is kinda crap. Just a feeling.

I think Gus is doing things old fashioned. He reminds me of a line in the book The Godfather where Michael is trying to get across to Kate in a subtle way who his father really is and what his help means.

I think he seems like a dick because he has to deal with dicks. Chuck and Jimmy.

He does it roundabout.

Not a problem. I know Im the odd one out!

Well, right when I was thinking "hey, I want to binge watch BB" they announced they were going to do BCS. I am an Odenkirk fan since Mr. Show and always suspected he could pull off drama (the Nostradamus sketch was a good hint. He brought a sweet pathos to it). Then I saw the guy who played Mike in his one season turn

Jimmy doesnt think that way. He thinks he just earned several hundred thousand from the Sandpiper settlement. In his mind, Kim is a sucker for breaking her butt playing by the rules

Chuck has been way more trouble than a bump in the road. The entire firms malpractice insurance is going up because of _one_ person. Or they have to take an attorney out to sit with Chuck all the time yet not bill for them. That's on top of Hamlin doing major damage control because what happened at the hearing got

I think it's about the futility of compartmentalization. Theyre all trying so hard from keeping their "worlds" from touching each other. Nacho and his clean good work of Papi and his dirty work for Hector. Gus with his clean good work of Pollo and dirty world of drugs. Jimmy and his good clean world of Kim and his

Im going to after BCS is over or if I get some sort of illness that confines me for awhile.

I liked the scene with Nacho and his father. When he says that he has been working for Hector again, Papi's face just crumbles. I get the feeling there was some history there where Nacho gangbanged, father found out and forgave him and took him into the business/home on condition he give that life up. And now he has

Yeah but is that because of some sort of actual morality there or are drug dealers and criminals just a surer bet for money?

I dont know anything of Gus (never saw BB) but $10,000 * 20 means that Mike is getting back all his money he's putting in and Gus is handling all tax, FICA, etc. That's an insanely good deal. Gus is actually taking a financial hit to help Mike out.

As much as Jimmy needs trust, he hates it. That flashback in "Slip" where you could hear the disdain and contempt for his parents trusting the customers was pretty telling for this episode. He can do what he did to Irene only because she trusts him and that trust in him doesnt work the way it would in someone with a

Jimmy is not a lawyer, isnt working for Sandpiper and doesnt know the ins and outs of a case because he hasnt worked it in a long time. He had no business asking Howard to settle Sandpiper.