Anne Cook

I know it won't happen but the best thing for Kim would be to go to Hamlin with Mesa in her pocket, broker a deal to become partner and for her and Hamlin to kick both McGill brothers out of their lives.

Jimmy made her swear not to tell anyone he gave them to her. And Irene, thinking Jimmy is a wonderful, sweet, hardworking man did what he asked.

Looks like Hamlin is the most accurate judge of the McGill brothers' characters. He summed them up pretty well. He and kim get my sympathy vote.

Even if it puts Kim in danger. And it will. Because he can try and compartmentalize the good and evil parts of his life but evil doesn't obey snd stay in its compartment

Eh….Ernesto lied to Chuck's fave about the copy shop incident. He was making his choice when he sided with Jimmy.

I want to punch them and in an odd way that's entertaining for me. They're characters I want to see hurt and/or embarrassed.

That's sad to me. She's now firmly aligned herself with Jimmy and Jimmy isn't going somewhere nice.

For the lawyers here…..if Kim suspects "Jimmy's half" was obtained illegally, can she accept it? Like bar, ethics wise?

I'm watching it now and realky surprised myself at how much I was rooting for Chuck to make it to the soy milk.

NOW I am.

I like how the baseball guy just flatly states "but Im in it". He seems to have accepted what Mike is struggling against. Baseball guy put his toe over the line before to join this world. He got a slap of caution yet he's back in because he cannot get out. It's inevitable. Once you start down that highway, there arent

I was _this_ close to getting BB and binge watching it for the first time but this episode changed that. I just dont _know_ how bad Saul becomes and if this ending is a hint, then I think Im going to like this a real lot!

I thought that meant she's not sleeping at work that night, showering at the gym and coming back to the office

Just by reading the other comments here about Lydia.

I think he let Howard in because he knew howard would be all business. Not offering sympathy or be cloying or emotional.

I was way into Penny Dreadful so that helped

I agree.

YAY! Another one. Me too on that. I was about to start all of BB when I got wind of BCS in the works so I decided to watch it chronological.

It's not like his feeling of responsibility is unwarranted.

Wow…what unethical jerks.