Anne Cook

He spoke at my poli sci course in the early 2000s (the brother) and was amazing.

He might be.

Actually it looked like he was almost relieved. He could finally let it out that he wanted to give Jimmy a job and Chuck as a senior partner nixed it. Chuck made Howard be the "bad guy" for a good long time. Howard just seemed to relax a bit once it was out

True but Chuck had 20+ years of prior behavior from Jimmy to judge. 20 + years we didnt see.

Ugh. She's a successful musician who gets to travel the world doing what she loves. I would be really disappointed in her if she gave that up to care for Chuck.

I think it's also a reaction to Jimmy.

He was working at home and HHM wouldnt give out information, HIPPA and all.

I wonder if Chuck started going slowly downhill after he bailed Jimmy out and got him the job at HHM?

I agree with what someone below posted. She was the first ace up Jimmy's sleeve.

Me too.
But, if he was right then it all would have come out anyway. There would have been no need to take Mesa Verde away from Kim or to go to great lengths to make Jimmy screw up sooner than he would have anyway.

That's what i hope to do.

If Jimmy cared for her, he'd kick her away hard in a way that would make her never want to see him again.

That's the thing. She's already not really an innocent or civilian yet. Just by being around Jimmy and caring for him, his world is started to envelope her. She knows Jimmy hired Mike to take pics of Chuck's house under false pretenses. She knows he had to hire someone shady to plant the battery, etc.

Yeah but wouldnt he have to admit he has a mental illness for that to happen?

Im interested in Gus but probably a lot of that is because I havent watched BB so he's all new to me. I find him fascinating though

And they take innocents (or as Gus and Mike call them "civilians") with them.

And Howard liked Jimmy. He could probably shoot the breeze with him in ways he couldnt with Chuck. Jimmy would be an ideal guy to go woo clients, set up the office fantasy football, etc. He would have been personable and useful.

oh yeah!

I am surprised Chuck never went back to the copy shop guy and threaten him better to get him to admit that Jimmy was there.

I have had a soft spot for Howard since he didnt make Kim repay the firm for the law school they paid for.