Anne Cook

I was really impressed by Kim's scene with her clients. She prepared them, didnt disclose too much and ultimately got more of the big guys respect.

I have always felt bad for him.
Chuck is a partner. I think he is a founding partner. There isnt much you can do to oust a partner even if they are acting crazy.

I assumed the "condition" happened after the split and the break up was that she got a fabulous job that involved lots of traveling.

I wonder if Jimmy keeps the fish after being shamed by the vet?

Yeah. I know what it's like. I was the younger stinker of a kid but was far more cuddly, etc. My sister is more independent and reserved. I got more hugs because I gave more of them.

Rattle any of us the right way and we come unglued.

I dont think she came FOR the testifying but because Jimmy sent her pictures of the house and told her of Chucks hospitalizations, etc.

Chuck is still a partner. And the hearing didnt have much to do with HHM. Howard couldnt forbid or stop Chuck from testifying. He did what he could, present a rational argument to Chuck to get him to bow out and Chuck resisted.

I do feel bad for him.
I thought he had love mixed with exasperation with Jimmy. Not full out _hate_ brewing since childhood.

So now we know what happens to the older brother in the Prodigal Son story if dad doesnt take him aside and give the "no, I love you BOTH" lecture.

Note: Have not seen BB, so Saul are my first views of characters.
I find it interesting how Mike and Gus split the world into those in the game and civilians. Those in the game know they’re in the game and therefore if they are hurt, die, etc. it is not a huge moral problem for them. However when civilians are caught

I really like how even the smaller roles have such great acting, lines and scenes. Ernesto showing up on Kim. Even though his career just took a huge bullet, he cares enough about Jimmy to check up. Oakley both gloating and concerned about Jimmy. The level of acting in all the parts, not just the main is incredible.

Well I knew the general "gist" that the Omaha's are the "now". Got that from the first season where he worked his shift then came home and watched his old tv commercial. I assume that something very bad happened with him and Walt and that he is hiding out.

Was the tape he broke the original? Or the only copy?

I wonder how Kim is going to cut herself loose of Jimmy. I understand right now she doesnt want to, she may even really love him (although some of that love seems like pity to me) and has no plans to but she will HAVE to do so soon to save herself.

I actually might do that but will likely wait for a time where I am sick or something so I can just watch straight through.

So Im one of the odd ones who didnt see BB and decided to watch BCS first.

I'm starting to feel sorry for Howard of all people. The man just wants to run a law firm and has to deal with Chuck and Jimmy soap opera antics.

See Im one of those weirdos who hasnt seen Breaking Bad at all. I was going to when it ended but then heard that Odenkirk was going to be in Better Call Saul. Ive liked Odenkirk since Mr Show.

I'm hoping Ernesto becomes Jimmy's ally/spy. I think there is an actor there who can do a lot with the character if given a chance.