Although I’m not surprised at her allegations, and I doubt most people are, song lyrics aren’t rape allegations. She speaks to the evolution of her feelings on it over decades and lots of therapy.
Although I’m not surprised at her allegations, and I doubt most people are, song lyrics aren’t rape allegations. She speaks to the evolution of her feelings on it over decades and lots of therapy.
This woman never stated how she became pregnant. You are making some assumptions here. Six weeks is no where near the length of time required to complete the necessary medical testing in order to determine if there are extreme medical complications for the fetus or the mother. That’s simply not how our medical system…
You just said it was an appropriate method of birth control. Whether its your first choice or second choice, its still a choice. A choice of birth control.
I guess this is where we don’t agree. She chose not to bring an unwanted or unwelcomed child into this world, therefore, not making it “everyone’s business.” She became pregnant because she was human and had sex.
I guess this is where we don’t agree. She chose not to bring an unwanted or unwelcomed child into this world, therefore, not making it “everyone’s business.” She became pregnant because she was human and had sex.
It’s really a none of your business issue.
My son wrestled all through middle school and high school. He was a little guy, as are the majority of the wrestlers that are faced with wrestling a girl. In fact, he was so small, he took growth hormone shots because a medical condition involving his pancreas. My son also battles crippling anxiety. He is 21 now,…
Go forth in life knowing that you made a positive impact in another human’s path....This is a mofo game changer for me!
Go forth in life knowing that you made a positive impact in another human’s path....This is a mofo game changer for…
Same boat. I have been vaccinated four times and still don’t carry the titers for it. I found out with each of my pregnancies and was vaccinated after each child was born. I rely on herd immunity along with many others. Its infuriating.
Best supporting actress goes to William (Emerald).
I’m assuming that the chicken was lava hot. And she had a schedule to keep. Life hack.
I am a woodworker, so I have built an elaborate and very comfortable bedside sleeping chamber for my pup. My three legged cat, however, sleeps with me. It makes perfect sense. My cat, since she only has three legs, very ineffectively covers her poo with her paws. Let me pause and stress the ineffective part. Then she…
Get a border collie and quit your sniveling. I have no first hand knowledge of how effective this is, but I had a border collie and I have a pond. She made it her mission, night and day, to even keep the frogs in their appropriate places. I didn’t have geese, just ducks and I made an…
Sometimes jokes and sarcasm are lost on me..... traditional hash browns? Which translates to fried potatoes, should not be in a baking dish. That’s for starters. What happened? Please step aside and let me whip you up some fried taters!
This!!!! I once thought that a clever fruit fly trap would be to place a shallow dish of wine in the microwave and then nuke ‘em. WHY does it not work? After a couple minutes the dish shattered and the flies still hovered. In the name of science, I made several attempts and they all failed with similar results. …
Not that I put any stake in what Trump says, but I think it has been reported that he wasn’t taking a presidential salary. I have no idea how that compares to the cost of secret service. Did I just defend Trump? Also, if his son is autistic - then I have no issue with this.
My rotavirus nightmare: