
I agree. Reading this, I kept thinking to myself that this just sounds more like ignorance rather than inherent racism. Not that that's better, but I do hope this is a teachable moment for those girls, and they use it in the future to spread awareness and increase sensitivity.

I'm a little surprised that people are surprised by these recommendations ... I thought it was basic bra maintenance. That being said, I usually just toss mine in with everything else.

Remember when Paris Hilton was going to be a big movie star and singer? And there were a few super bad movies and a couple of songs, one completely awful and one tolerable but still pretty bad? Yeah, that's this whole Kardashian thing. She's hung on a lot longer than I think we all expected, but the Oscar talk is just

That's awesome! I'm thinking there should be a relationship self-help book with this advice ...

There's another comment in the thread that says a lot of stores in the south do this, which is why maybe I don't find this a big deal (I am from the south). Fitness mags are covered up, most fashion mags, tabloids. Sometimes the store does it, sometimes people with nothing better to do but push their views on others

I don't have kids. Four, five, six, however old they are when they start reading. The point being, young children.

Just sausage without the cheese is indicative of a casual relationship. He's just not that into you ... except for a booty call. Sausage with cheese is a marriage proposal.

A lot of people go shopping with their young children. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that a parent might not want to explain some of those headlines to their four-year-old.

Maybe it was all of the sex headlines and curse word on the cover.

Actually, the cheese is more of an "I like you a lot" statement. Crackers and cheese = "I'm IN like with you." Crackers, cheese and one of those spreader knives is what equals complete and total soulmate-style love.

I did not see the show, but of course it was boring. It had to be, for a few different reasons:

I had the same thought. In my mind, she's been around forever. I was thinking she was 20, 21. Definitely way off there.

I agree that this was an overreaction, but roaches can spread diseases. They can also cause hives in some people. I have to deal w/ roaches living in the south and they don't bother me that much, but they are freakin' disgusting.

I mean, a lot of it comes down to opinions, of course. I do love A River Runs Through It, but I don't really care for the others named. I've never seen Twelve Monkeys, though. It's not that I think they're bad, just sort of "meh."

Y'know, go for it, Brad. He's never been one of my favorite actors. Quite honestly, I don't understand the infatuation with him. Or maybe it's just because I don't really like the movies he chooses? Either way, I don't think I'll miss him.

Scroll down. It's here in the comments, second to last thread on the page. (To answer your question about fave Disney rides.)

Never been to the 'Land, but did go to the 'World. My fave ride was the 20,000 Leagues ride, but it got closed down. :-(

Everyone is right ... kids don't notice the crowds. I do remember thinking the lines were long, but she will be so excited it won't matter. Have fun!

I used to do it with my BFF when we lived close to each other. We were the "up at 3 a.m., in line by 3:30, have our maps ready, and GOGOGO" variety. We would divide and conquer the stores. Regardless of what time you go, it's going to be crowded so it is super important to have a game plan. I know it sounds a little

Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Average intelligence compared to many, but for a presidential candidate ... dumb, dumb, dumb.