
W-wait…there are people who think this baby might be Euron's?

That's one of the great things about the show. Her moving to West Covina wasn't really about Josh—it was about the idea of Josh, the quest more a magic solution, etc—so it was a wonderful surprise for me Season 1 when Josh turned out to actually be great. Like she was accidentally fixating on a guy who was worth it.

And he only fell for her manipulations because he was too embarrassed to break up!

Yeah he could've explained to Rebecca and, yknow, gone to seminary the next day. There was no ticking clock on the priesthood.

Which he does just because he's afraid of what people would think if they broke up right away—not out of any desire for an actual marriage.

A guy once tried to make me take two trains to see him so he could break up with me. I was onto him and made him do it by phone.

Also it's easier to leave someone's house than to make them leave yours.

Whatever. I'll never forgive Paul for dumping Amy so everything that happens to him after that I figure he deserves.

According to the Wiki it's from the video game. So I guess she got it from the Wiki? That's…that sucks.

I love that they dropped a reference to Iain Rannoch. The episode has a whole other layer when you realize it takes place in the same world as White Bear. These people are SUPER into vengeance.

Mr. Applegate, duh.