
white arrogance has no shame.

I had no idea Janelle was considered a black name until this story. I've known several Janelles, and they've all been white.

Black people don't use it to oppress each other daily. White people on the other hand love to use everything under the sun to oppress people of color (e.g. words, discourses like white supremacy, discriminatory laws, the prison industrial complex, unequal access to education and health care, skewed media

Thank you for literally proving my point you ignorant asshole.

Um, okay. So your point?

Okay but when are you going to die out? I'm anxiously awaiting that moment.

Wtf is it with that? Even if he'd walked up to her and punched her in the face...throwing out the n-word would still be racist as fuck! There is literally nothing that he could have done that would could have justified the racist response. Nothing!

There's no expectation of privacy in public. The right to film in public is protected by the 1st amendment. The courts have ruled on this many times.

I get your's well-articulated and I agreed with it wholeheartedly until I read NinjaCate's response. I agree with that too.

How about the fact that black people surfing kinja shouldn't have to deal with being accosted with the word every time they click through to a page? That shit can be (and often is) very triggering.

As an MD, we typically bemoan the insane numbers of spurious lawsuits that we encounter on an almost-constant basis, but as my lawyers friend like to remind me, there are in fact actually times when people deserve to get their pants sued off.

They're also never going to work again, at least not in that industry. Welcome to 7-11, bitches.

$25,000? That is way too low.

Holy SHIT. Those employees are going to get destroyed in court.

You do realize Black people are not a monolith, right? That isolated incident has no bearing on what happened here. As a Black person, I take exception to the n-word every single time it is used and find the idea that Black people can be seperated into good and bad piles problematic at best.

A racist who, similar to many closet doors, is a bit unhinged and ready for the scrap pile.

People don't get that yes, they're entitled to their opinion, and yes, they're also entitled to the extreme backlash of their opinion. It is a two way street.

Oof, you're right. NOT TO GIVE YOU MY LIFE STORY, but I had a back spasm yesterday and have been in excruciating pain for the last day or so. I must not have been paying attention to verbs on the first pass at that intro. Edited for clarity, and thanks for pointing it out.

I'd bet money she has a teenage son.