
I wasn't embracing it. I think that person was trying to make the point that because she's "not black" it would be incorrect to use a racial slur that is used against black people. But she IS black.

Ethnicity is not the same as race. For example, white Mexicans. Racially, they're Caucasian, but ethnically, they're Mexican.

This isn't a vote for Jolie's Cleopatra, but Cleo and everyone in her family were the products of fairly rigorous inter-breeding within one family, the Ptolemys (new reality show idea??) who were Greek. The original Ptolemy was one of Alexander the Great's generals who, after Al died, divvied up his empire. Ptolemy

I hate it when people act like there's one particular way to look black or white. Jennifer Beals, Rashida Jones, and Halle Berry are all half white, half black.

A security guard confirmed the story to the Daily News, but more details are sure to come.

Putting aside my contempt for her, this is awful. She didn't deserve to be assaulted, especially by two white me calling her the n word.

I find it very disturbing that in all the articles about these two men committing a violent hate crime, the majority of the comments basically boil down to "well, she deserved it." Compassion is only for perfect victims who do all the right things, all the time, of course! I forgot that you have to like someone to

She said she pretty fairly racist stuff, too (as quoted in the article above). Not as bad as him, mind.

Why was their ethnicity relevant, are you a racist?

A speech at a LGBT reception is not the same as an official white house proclamation. This is important because he's not simply stating his own personal beliefs, he's speaking on behalf of the white house. It is relevant that this is a statement addressing the entire population, not a group of LGBT supporters.

"I'm a guy so I don't know how it is for women". RIGHT, COOL, SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW. being a "badass" doesn't preclude you from sexual assault and to imply that women who ARE concerned about it are somehow weak and paranoid is victim blaming to the max. I have a friend who was sexually assaulted by a stranger at night

A black man said something to you and your thought progression is that of course they were about to grab you? You need therapy more than you need a weapon. Jesus.

Um, I hate the fact that suggesting women aren't tough if they're afraid of rape is so prevalent. How old are your friends? I'm badass, outdoorsy and strong. I don't take any crap from anyone but I'm not dumb either.

Fear IS a fact of life. That doesn't mean it's present at every second. Death is a fact of life - does it consume your every thought? When people ARE afraid all the time, there is usually a reason. When those people are adults with lots of life experience, those reasons are usually past experiences. To say those

You're going to tell me you've never felt mild discomfort at walking home late at night by yourself? You've never crossed to the other side of the street to avoid strangers, a weird car or a dark alley? I mean, I live in a pretty nice area but I've felt these feels before.

You called those women "fucking paranoid".

He is the best worst dancer.

You must live a lucky enough life to not notice it.

Thanks, Obama!