
It's not racism. Making fun of white people and hurting their feelings =/= racism. You have to come up with a better definition of racism.

lol no they can't, they can be prejudiced but they don't have the power to uphold structural racism. Cute.

Now playing

Demographic and economic changes will not automatically destroy white supremacy. You should look at South Africa for an example of this, whites still live pretty much just as they did during apartheid and still benefit from historical inequalities that still give them unfair access to resources such as land and

Not I. I mean, I wouldn't have been able to tell you he is Nick Cannon, but I could tell you he isn't white.


Uhhhhh. I think you're headed deeper into racist territory if you're saying what I think you're saying. Pray tell, what is "too common?"

No, it's what people on the internet say when you appear to be arguing with people who aren't even in the conversation, o' mighty slayer of the straw hordes of Reverse-Racistan.

I'm illiterate because I won't summarize the sprawling power and influence that hundreds of years of oppression has had on our attitudes to race and how they relate to racial power dynamics? Even after I've directly linked you to the information you've asked for, but you're too lazy to click?

You're just knocking down one straw man after another. Good job!

I love the meta trolls calling you illiterate and angry. It's like they're trying to teach us how media representations of Black women affect everyday perceptions AND irony at the same time!

critical thinking must make your head hurt

How did we even get to the topic of victim blaming rape victims? You're engaged in biblical levels of projection right now. It's almost as if, you are fully aware you're full of crap so you have no choice put to supplement your argument with non sequitors.

No one's killing for anything. People mostly move because they have jobs that transferred them. Immigration happens from and to many countries, not everyone moves to Europe/America. Some people move to other countries and guess what- some people move out of Europe and America to Asia or Africa.

Wait, I'm angry? Oh. I hadn't realized. I thought I was calmly replying but to your comment, but thanks for letting me know I was angry. Got to keep a handle on that.

No. You have no sense of history apparently to even put blackface on the same plane as what Nick Cannon did.

Que person who doesn't understand how power transference and inequity and racism in race and culture work.

I'm pretty sure there was always a consequence to being called a n****r...

Quite a few people don't feel it's racist if it isn't institutional.

I get it, Nick. Eddie Murphy was hugely talented. You don't need to remind me.