
Yep! "I fuck black men so I can totally say the n-word, aren't I hilarious?"

Seriously. Time to bust out the #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen hashtag again. Queue the responses, which will be a variation of the following:

Please do not skip over one of the worst one. I know a lot of people are going to defend her because she is a comedian, but comeon, she is tasteless and cheap. I would never in a million years read her book, and I am considering staying off of HuffPo forever now...because really? this was some bullshit.

She has always and will always be gross and racist.

Yuck. Crude, racist, and sleazy in one package? Lovely.

I think you missed some of her most offensive tweets, which referenced Brad and Angelina adopting various Black actors, including Lupita.

HuffPo, next time you are all whining about how you don't know why it is people don't treat you like a "real" news agency, let me save you some time. It is because of shit like this.

We Chelsea if she issues an real apology.

She is a racist pos and she and lisa lampanelli and their "black people are weird haha" brand of racist humor can die in a fire.

She didn't Handler this very well.

Yeah, she made the mistake of still existing after people had their fill, and having made people report on her excessively. Let's stone Katnip in the town square.

Hint: Jennifer is not omnipotent :)

She tries so hard but I'm just like girl no. Nope. The rest of you have just been ridiculous with this Jlaw person or whatever. I see y'all on Jezzie: "OMG SHE LIKES PIZZA SHE IS SOOOO HUMAN!". "OMG, SHE TRIPPED, SHE IS JUST LIKE ME THAT ONE TIME I TRIPPED ON MY WAY TO THE BATHROOM DURING THE NIGHT WHEN I HAD TO

Props to J-Law for looking genuinely pleased and probably really relieved that Lupita won the Oscar and not her. She seems sensible enough that she probably would have been embarrassed if she won it this time around.

Dear Austrian news reporter Chris Stephan,

Goddesses and peasants don't "hang out" lol

Dear Disney,

Her speech was powerful. That's not something we can say often about an Oscar speech. She's amazing, and I'm so glad she won this!

She's not just a brilliant actress... she's got a brilliant mind!