
This is genderswapping? They either look androgynous or prepubescent, would it have been so difficult to butch them up a bit?

They don't do anything for me. Probably because, to my eyes, they look only halfway genderswapped. They look more androgynous than actually male, if you can see what I'm trying to say.

You know that this is the internet, right?

There needs to be a sarcasm font.

I'm not black but you should be able to find plenty of information about this online, seriously, I just never get these kind of requests. It seems kind of unnecessary.

those are two pretty epic eyerolls right there. I wish I could make mine that exaggerated!

Many black men make a huge deal about natural hair on women. Namely, they don't like it unless it's straight, wavy, or curly, and long. Also, some black men wear wave caps.

Awwww me too! I think its a wonderful thing that other black women are wearing their hair even though some of the same girls I know now growing out their afros and curls used to give me hell about mine :/

I love this movement, it accepts black women in all of their shades and styles and encourages them to love themselves. So awesome to see a new positive image to look up to for black women instead of just the historically stereotypical ones :)

You. You still have the privilege. It's still you.

Holy hell, the woman in the blue dress looks JUST LIKE ME! The hair, the dress... I wear cat-eye glasses though. Quirky black girls unite!

Yawn. That carefree black girl thing has been happening for the last 20 years. What you're seeing is it mainstreaming. Shit ain't new, but welcome to the party. You're late.

What I find most interesting about this is how different people relate to the myth that every parent loves their child. Some people are willing to confront that myth as a myth. And some people can't. Reality always has to be negotiated based on the premise that their parent loved them.

Good for her. Kids are useless.

Ummm Bullshit. Link something for some proof. Zimmerman has been arrested on multiple occasions, including for attacking a cop as well as his domestic violence beefs. Trayvon did some typical teen shit - got caught with weed, tagged some lockers etc. Never arrested - suspended from school.

Oh, were you in the courtroom?

I'm honestly not sure if you're talking about Zimmerman or Bieber. Either way, I concur.

Here is a novel idea. Stop giving this guy you declare to hate free publicity. I dont want to see this fat dope when I come to jezebel. anyone else?

Get ready for the pro-Zimmerman racist gun lunatics to come out and freak out about their idol being called a racist child killer.