
this is why this organization fucking rocks and we should support the hell out of it.

I had the same thought buuuut...that doesn't explain why no girls took the exam in Montana. Those you do have.

I feel like people that are wowed by her butt have never been inside of a gym before. It's a nice butt, don't get me wrong. But it's not a phenomenal butt. It's the butt of a lady with good genetics and a gym habit. I see them all the time, how is she getting famous off of this?

Kerry Washington deserves better movies than Tyler Perry movies. His movies are corny, and you look corny in them.

I work out. I have a nice body. It's not perfect but I never called for perfection. I openly admitted I was/am shallow though so certain things I do want in a mate's appearance. I realize that most people get angry with such assertions because it's "impolite." IDGAF.

Your opinion is incorrect. In cases of institutional poverty, the access to healthy food is extremely low, the ability to play is extremely low, and the time to prepare that healthy food and participate in play tends to be extremely low because people are struggling to get by.

I have six-pack abs, which I worked damn hard for. Before, when I just had a soft, mushy belly, I was okay with dudes who had a soft mushy belly, or even a big ole gut. But after working that hard on my body, goddammit, I want/deserve/expect to be with someone who is also that interested in working that hard to keep

I sense a lot of projection and hostility; not sure why. But glad you're going to have smart kids!!

Also, "I'm not 'super hot' but I want women who are 'super hot'. I get mad when women also place importance on physical appearance."

And what people find attractive in regards to looks differs! That's also incredibly important.

I'm the queen of shallow. I'm the female equivalent of the "dude-bro" or whatever black woman counterpart to that shit is. I love hot guys. I'm not ashamed to admit it. For longevity, I need more than a rock hard body and a handsomely rugged face...however, I will not forgo those features entirely to settle down. I'd

I think when women say "I want a man who makes me laugh" they are not thinking about Gilbert Gottfried. I have never met anyone of any gender who finds him funny.

I wish more women (and men, for that matter) would just admit this fact and get it out of the way. Most of us care about looks. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as it's not the only thing you care about.

Not to mention the time involvement. When you're going from your first job to your second job it's often quiet easier, less expensive, and more time friendly to grab cheap (and generally unhealthy) take out.

I agree that the game is rigged. My grad school thesis is worked around this issue. All in all it is cheaper to buy a hamburger (one dollar for the cheapest) then to compose a meal of healthy grains, vegetables, and meats.

I'm sure there are a lot of people who support the judge's decision, but I really am grateful that we live in an age where something like this happens, and the survivor of the crime can see that a lot of people are siding with her. Can you imagine if this happened 20 years ago (and I'm sure things like it did), but

So essentially, the judge ruled that he didn't feel like convicting the guy of rape that day. Because reasons.

Good to know.

"I know the jewelry store's door was locked, and I know the alarm went off when I broke the window, and I heard it going off the entire time I was taking the jewelry, but I didn't think they were serious."

He should have been acquitted. That's how the rule of law works and that's how the rule of law should work if I'm going to be a part of the justice system.

I'm going to walk into a jewelry store and grab a bunch of diamonds. I don't want to rob anyone. I just want some jewelry. That makes it ok, right?